ユーザーの 2 つのパラメーター(彼がプレイした試合の数とそれらの試合でのパフォーマンス)を考慮に入れたいと思いますinstantaneous skill sets
。これら 2 つをユーザーごとに組み合わせて、他のユーザーのスコアと比較すると、現在の試合でのスコアが得られる可能性があります。
Pos[i] and Neg[i] are the positive and negative score of the users in a match.
Step1: Calculate the average score of n people `for i in range(1, N): sum = sum + Pos[i] Average = sum/N` do the same for negative score.
Step2: Calculate the Standard Deviation (SD)
Step3: Calculate the weight of the user as follows say the user has played M matches, his weight W will be Mxabs((sum(POS[i])/N1 - (sum(NEG[i])/N2))
(where N1 is the number of times he has scored positive scores and N2 the number of times he scored negative result)
Step4: Current Score = (POSi - SD)xW
Step5: His New Rating = Old Rating + Current Score