('') +
('')) DSTD('TEST') +
LONGMSG('test mail...')
Tipo Tipo ----Registrata---- -----Mittente----- Num.
Opz Funzione voce Data Ora Nome lav. ID utente Indir. seq
*RTR *ERR 10/04/12 13:04:15 QMSF MARCO MT 0013
Funzione . . . . . . . . . . : Instradamento distribuzione
Lavoro . . . . . . . . . . . : 275842/QMSF/QMSF
Data/ora . . . . . . . . . . : 10/04/12 13:04:15
ID utente/Indirizzo . . . : MARCO MT
Nome sistema/Gruppo. . . . : S6518B7A
Numero di sequenza . . . . . : 0013
Data/ora di origine . . . . : 10/04/12 13:04:15
Agente destinazione . . . . : OfficeVision
Codice stato SNADS . . . . . : 0001 Errore instradamento
Destinatario in errore:
ID utente/Indirizzo . . . : INTERNET GATEWAY
Nome sistema/Gruppo . . . : INTERNET
Voce indirizzario sistema : Definito localmente
Message. . . : Failed opening file IFS (Integrated File System)
on file/MMAIL/temp/Q6.txt
Cause. . . . . : The RTCP function requires the use of a file IFS (Integrated
File System) / MMAIL/temp/Q6.txt. The error received by the call is 3025.
This file does not exist in the system is blocked or damaged and can not
be used at the time.
Correction. . . : Close MSF (Mail System Framework) "ENDMSF" and restart
Message ID. . . . . : Severity CPFAF98. . . . . . . : 60
Message type. . . . : Informational
Submit Date. . . . . . : 13/04/12 Time sent. . . . . . : 12:44:02
Message. . . : The job has stopped processing 320083/QMSF/QMSF
MSF message.
Cause. . . . . : The program exit point in the library QTMSFWD QTCP
to the point of exit QIBM_QZMFMSF_MSG_FWD has detected a condition with
6518B7A0909081414210000000008 the message ID. The message indicates that
processing must be completed. The MSF message will be revised
the next command execution STRMSF (Start Mail Server Framework)
Correction. . . : Determine because the program exit point has
indicated the need to end processing of a message. in
joblog may be listed messages that have caused
incorrect program. Correct errors, and run the
ENDMSF command (closing mail server framework) to terminate