* MySQLi database connection: only one connection is allowed
class MySqliConnection{
public static $_instance;
public $_connection;
public function __construct($host, $user, $password, $database){
$this->_connection = new MySQLi($host, $user, $password, $database);
if (isset($mysqli->connect_error)) {
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: (" . $mysqli->connect_errno . ") " . $mysqli->connect_error;
echo $mysqli->host_info . "\n";
* Gets instance of connection to database
* @return (MySqliConnection) Object
public static function getInstance($host, $user, $password, $database){
self::$_instance = new self($host, $user, $password, $database); //if no instance were created - new one will be initialize
return self::$_instance; //return already exsiting instance of the database connection
* Prevent database connection from bing copied while assignig the object to new wariable
* @return (MySqliConnection) Object
public function getConnection(){
return $this->_connection;
* Prevent database connection from bing copied/duplicated while assignig the object to new wariable
* @return nothing
function __clone(){
$db = MySqliConnection::getInstance('localhost', 'root', '', 'sandbox');
$mysqli = $db->getConnection();
$sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM users;
$this->lastQuery = $sql_query;
$result = $mysqli->query($sql_query);
while($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
echo $row['ID'];
* include 'class.MySqliConnection.inc'; //custom class
class TableManager{
private $lastQuery;
private $lastInsertId;
private $tableName;
private $tableIdName;
private $columnNames = array();
private $lastResult = array();
private $curentRow = array();
private $newPost = array();
* Class constructor
* [1] (string) $tableName // name of the table which you want to work with
* [2] (string) $tableIdName // name of the ID field which will be used to delete and update records
* @return void
function __construct($tableName, $tableIdName){
$this->tableIdName = $tableIdName;
$this->tableName = $tableName;
$this->curentRow = $this->columnNames;
public function getColumnNames(){
$sql_query = 'SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = "'.$this->tableName.'"';
$mysqli = $this->connection();
$this->lastQuery = $sql_query;
$result = $mysqli->query($sql_query);
if (!$result) {
throw new Exception("Database Error [{$this->database->errno}] {$this->database->error}");
while($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
$this->columnNames[$row['COLUMN_NAME']] = null;
* Used by a Constructor to set native parameters or virtual array curentRow of the class
* [1] (array) $v
* @return void
function setRowValues($v){
$this->curentRow = $v;
return true;
foreach ($v as $a => $b) {
$method = 'set'.ucfirst($a);
if(is_callable(array($this, $method))){
//if method is callable use setSomeFunction($k, $v) to filter the value
$this->curentRow[$a] = $b;
* Used by a constructor to set native parameters or virtual array curentRow of the class
* [0]
* @return void
function __toString(){
* Query Database for information - Select column in table where column = somevalue
* [1] (string) $column_name // name od a column
* [2] (string) $quote_pos // searched value in a specified column
* @return void
public function getRow($column_name = false, $quote_post = false){
$mysqli = $this->connection();
$quote_post = $mysqli->real_escape_string($quote_post);
$this->tableName = $mysqli->real_escape_string($this->tableName);
$column_name = $mysqli->real_escape_string($column_name);
if($this->tableName && $column_name && $quote_post){
$sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM '.$this->tableName.' WHERE '.$column_name.' = "'.$quote_post.'"';
$this->lastQuery = $sql_query;
$result = $mysqli->query($sql_query);
if (!$result) {
throw new Exception("Database Error [{$this->database->errno}] {$this->database->error}");
while($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
$this->lastResult[$row['ID']] = $row;
if($this->tableName && $column_name && !$quote_post){
$sql_query = 'SELECT '.$column_name.' FROM '.$this->tableName.'';
$this->lastQuery = $sql_query;
$result = $mysqli->query($sql_query);
if (!$result) {
throw new Exception("Database Error [{$this->database->errno}] {$this->database->error}");
while($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
$this->lastResult[] = $row;
if($this->tableName && !$column_name && !$quote_post){
$sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM '.$this->tableName.'';
$this->lastQuery = $sql_query;
$result = $mysqli->query($sql_query);
if (!$result) {
throw new Exception("Database Error [{$this->database->errno}] {$this->database->error}");
while($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
$this->lastResult[$row['ID']] = $row;
* Connection class gets instance of db connection or if not exsist creats one
* [0]
* @return $mysqli
private function connection(){
$this->lastResult = "";
$db = MySqliConnection::getInstance('localhost', 'root', '', 'sandbox');
$mysqli = $db->getConnection();
return $mysqli;
* ...
* [1] (string) $getMe
* @return void
function __get($getMe){
return $this->curentRow[$getMe];
throw new Exception("Error Processing Request - No such a property in (array) $this->curentRow", 1);
* ...
* [2] (string) $setMe, (string) $value
* @return void
function __set($setMe, $value){
$temp = array($setMe=>$value);
* Dumps the object
* [0]
* @return void
function dump(){
echo "<hr>";
echo "<hr>";
* Sets Values for $this->newPost array which will be than inserted by insertNewPost() function
* [1] (array) $newPost //array of avlue that will be inserted to $this->newPost
* @return bolean
public function setNewRow($arr){
$this->newPost = $arr;
return false;
foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
if(array_key_exists($k, $this->columnNames)){
$method = 'set'.ucfirst($k);
if(is_callable(array($this, $method))){
if($this->$method($v) == false){ //if something go wrong
$this->newPost = array(); //empty the newPost array and return flase
throw new Exception("There was a problem in setting up New Post parameters. [Cleaning array]", 1);
$this->newPost[$k] = $v;
$this->newPost = array(); //empty the newPost array and return flase
throw new Exception("The column does not exsist in this table. [Cleaning array]", 1);
* Inserts new post held in $this->newPost
* [0]
* @return bolean
public function insertNewRow(){
// check if is set, is array and is not null
if(isset($this->newPost) && !is_null($this->newPost) && is_array($this->newPost)){
$mysqli = $this->connection();
$count_lenght_of_array = count($this->newPost);
// preper insert query
$sql_query = 'INSERT INTO '.$this->tableName.' (';
$i = 1;
foreach ($this->newPost as $key => $value) {
$sql_query .=$key;
if ($i < $count_lenght_of_array) {
$sql_query .=', ';
$i = 1;
$sql_query .=') VALUES (';
foreach ($this->newPost as $key => $value) {
$sql_query .='"'.$value.'"';
if ($i < $count_lenght_of_array) {
$sql_query .=', ';
$sql_query .=')';
$this->lastInsertId = $mysqli->insert_id;
$this->lastQuery = $sql_query;
* getInsertedPost function query the last inserted id and assigned it to the object.
* [1] (integer) $id // last inserted id from insertNewRow fucntion
* @return void
private function getInsertedPost($id){
$mysqli = $this->connection();
$sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM '.$this->tableName.' WHERE '.$this->tableIdName.' = "'.$id.'"';
$result = $mysqli->query($sql_query);
while($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
$this->lastResult[$row['ID']] = $row;
* getInsertedPost function query the last inserted id and assigned it to the object.
* [0]
* @return bolean // if deletion was successful return true
public function deleteLastInsertedPost(){
$mysqli = $this->connection();
$sql_query = 'DELETE FROM '.$this->tableName.' WHERE '.$this->tableIdName.' = '.$this->lastInsertId.'';
$result = $mysqli->query($sql_query);
$this->lastResult[$this->lastInsertId] = "deleted";
return true;
throw new Exception("We could not delete last inserted row by ID [{$mysqli->errno}] {$mysqli->error}");
* deleteRow function delete the row with from a table based on a passed id
* [1] (integer) $id // id of the table row to be delated
* @return bolean // if deletion was successful return true
public function deleteRow($id){
$mysqli = $this->connection();
$sql_query = 'DELETE FROM '.$this->tableName.' WHERE '.$this->tableIdName.' = '.$id.'';
$result = $mysqli->query($sql_query);
$this->lastResult[$this->lastInsertId] = "deleted";
return true;
return false;
* deleteAllRows function deletes all rows from a table
* [0]
* @return bolean // if deletion was successful return true
public function deleteAllRows(){
$mysqli = $this->connection();
$sql_query = 'DELETE FROM '.$this->tableName.'';
$result = $mysqli->query($sql_query);
return true;
return false;
* updateRow function updates all values to object values in a row with id
* [1] (integer) $id
* @return bolean // if deletion was successful return true
public function updateRow($update_where = false){
$id = $this->curentRow[$this->tableIdName];
$mysqli = $this->connection();
$updateMe = $this->curentRow;
$count_lenght_of_array = count($updateMe);
// preper insert query
$sql_query = 'UPDATE '.$this->tableName.' SET ';
$i = 1;
foreach ($updateMe as $k => $v) {
$sql_query .= $k.' = "'.$v.'"';
if ($i < $count_lenght_of_array) {
$sql_query .=', ';
if($update_where == false){
//update row only for this object id
$sql_query .=' WHERE '.$this->tableIdName.' = '.$this->curentRow[$this->tableIdName].'';
//add your custom update where query
$sql_query .=' WHERE '.$update_where.'';
$this->lastQuery = $sql_query;
$result = $mysqli->query($sql_query);
return true;
return false;
1 insertPost(X, X) write function to isert data and in to database;
2 get better query system and display data from database;
3 write function that displays data of a object not databsae;
object should be precise and alocate only one instance of the post at a time.
// Updating the Posts to curent object $this->curentRow values
// Deleting the curent post by ID
// Add new row to database
$Post = new TableManager("post_table", "ID"); // New Object
// Getting posts from the database based on pased in paramerters
$Post->getRow('post_name', 'SOME POST TITLE WHICH IS IN DATABASE' );
MAGIC GET will read current object $this->curentRow parameter values by refering to its key as in a varible name
echo $Post->ID.
echo $Post->post_name;
echo $Post->post_description;
echo $Post->post_author;
$Task = new TableManager("table_name", "table_ID_name"); // creating new TableManager object
$addTask = array( //just an array [colum_name] => [values]
'task_name' => 'New Post',
'description' => 'New Description Post',
'person' => 'New Author',
$Task->setNewRow($addTask); //preper new values for insertion to table
$Task->getRow('ID', '12'); //load value from table to object
$Task->insertNewRow(); //inserts new row
$Task->dump(); //diplays object properities
$Task->person = "John"; //magic __set() method will look for setPerson(x,y) method firs if non found will assign value as it is.
$Task->description = "John Doe is a funny guy"; //magic __set() again
$Task->task_name = "John chellange"; //magic __set() again
$test = ($Task->updateRow("ID = 5")) ? "WORKS FINE" : "ERROR"; //update cutom row with object values
echo $test;
$test = ($Task->updateRow()) ? "WORKS FINE" : "ERROR"; //update curent data loaded in object
echo $test;