bool FormatWindowOpen;
string FormattedText = "";
MSWord.Application FormattingApp;
MSWord.Document FormattingDocument;
private List<string> ImportWords()
string FileAddress = FileDialogue.FileName;
FormattingApp = new MSWord.Application();
FormattingDocument = FormattingApp.Documents.Open(FileAddress);
FormattingDocument.Content.Text = "Format this document so it contains only the words you want and no other formatting. \nEach word should be on its own line. \nClose the Window when you're done. \nSave the file if you plan to re-use it." +
"\n" + "----------------------------------------------------------" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" +
FormattingDocument.Content.Text; //gets rid of formatting as well
FormattingApp.Visible = true;
FormattingApp.WindowSelectionChange += delegate { FormattedText = FormattingDocument.Content.Text; };
FormattingApp.DocumentBeforeClose += delegate { FormatWindowOpen = false; };
FormatWindowOpen = true;
for (; ; ){ //waits for the user to finish formating his words correctly
if (FormatWindowOpen != true) return ExtractWords(FormattedText);