
Scenario: Create a game with valid information
      Given I am logged in
      When I visit the new game page
      And I fill in "Game type" with "Basketball"
      And I fill in "Zip code" with "94040"
      And I fill in "Description" with "Friendly match"
      And I click on the button "Create Game"
      Then I should see "Awesome! Your game has been created."

Scenario: Create a game with missing information
      Given I am logged in
      When I visit the new game page
      And I fill in "Zip code" with "94040"
      And I fill in "Description" with "Friendly match"
      And I click on the button "Create Game"
      Then I should see "Game type can't be blank."



Scenario: Create a game with invalid zip code
          Given I am logged in
          When I visit the new game page
          And I fill in "Game type" with "Basketball"
          And I fill in "Zip code" with "ffff"
          And I fill in "Description" with "Friendly match"
          And I click on the button "Create Game"
          Then I should see "Zip code has to contain 5 digits."

だから、私の質問は、これを行うためのDRYでビジネスマンに優しい方法はありますか? つまり、コードの最適化と明確でわかりやすい独立したシナリオ定義のバランスですか?


1 に答える 1



于 2012-04-09T09:31:16.200 に答える