We have a piece of code that calls an applet and the applet tag is configured with the 'code' and 'archive' attributes, something like this:

<applet code='some.class' Archive='absolute path'/>

In some of the environments the applet however doesn't load properly. We run traces and found that the 'Codebase' attribute appeared in the applet tag with the session cookie value in these environments.

We don't understand what and why is inserting the codebase attribute into the applet tag. Could someone shed some light on this? We run a lot of network monitoring but no third party components inserts this in the call.

If you have a lot of options to show then using <select> is not the best option.

Better check http://ivaynberg.github.com/select2/ or http://livedocs.dojotoolkit.org/dijit/form/FilteringSelect or any other JS based component which can load options on demand via Ajax.


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