<controls:Panorama Grid.Row="2" x:Name="WebScrollView" >
<!--Panorama item one-->
<controls:PanoramaItem Width="480" x:Name="LeftPanoramaControl"/>
<!--Panorama item two-->
<controls:PanoramaItem Width="480" x:Name="MiddlePanoramaControl"/>
<controls:PanoramaItem Width="480" x:Name="RightPanoramaControl"/>
private void BrowsersLoaded( )
//first, we stop the progressbar
AnimatedProgressBar.StopProgressBar( );
//next, we want to make sure that the left and right browser are going to load new content, as now, for instance, the left browser is placed upon the middlecontent
//so, we cannot just say _leftBrowser.Navigate, this will screw up the view
LeftPanoramaControl.Visibility = _leftControlVisibility;
RightPanoramaControl.Visibility = _rightControlVisibility;
WebScrollView.UpdateLayout( );
WebScrollView.DefaultItem = MiddlePanoramaControl;
//this seems like beating around the bush, doesm't it?
//well, A problem I encountered was that the LayoutUpdated event was called even before I could do anything, check whatever boolean, cause they were all
//set to true even before the event was fired, which called upon the CheckID method, and gave a huge infinite loop.
MiddlePanoramaControl.LayoutUpdated += new EventHandler( WebScrollView_LayoutUpdated );