I got this code:
myString = 'blabla123_01_version6688_01_01Long_stringWithNumbers'
versionSplit = re.findall(r'-?\d+|[a-zA-Z!@#$%^&*()_+.,<>{}]+|\W+?', myString)
for i in reversed(versionSplit):
id = versionSplit.index(i)
if i.isdigit():
digit = '%0'+str(len(i))+'d'
i = int(i) + 1
i = digit % i
final = ''
myString = final.join(versionSplit)
print myString
Which suppose to increase ONLY the last digit from the string given. But if you run that code you will see that if there is the same digit in the string as the last one it will increase it one after the other if you keep running the script. Can anyone help me find out why?
Thank you in advance for any help