このバッチ ファイルは、ping -n 1 -w !thyme! をリダイレクトするサブメニュー 4 を除いて正常に動作するように作成しました。echo ping -n 1 -w !thyme!>NUL to %dir101% の代わりに NUL に
@echo off & SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
title TXTanimation
set dir101=C:\USers\Jake\Desktop\file.bat
goto jakeinc
echo Lets make a text animation
set /p dir101=where will the .bat be saved:
echo @ECHO OFF > %dir101%
echo: >> %dir101%
echo 0=Edit important information
echo 1=Display .txt
echo 2=Play sound
echo 3=Close sound player
echo 4=Add nessicary wait between .txt
echo 5=Label point
echo 6=Edit variable
echo 7=Goto point
echo 8=Create IF sentence
echo 9=End it
Set /p choose=which one:
If '%choose%'=='0' (
SEt /p title=What is the title
set /p color=what color do you want type test to experiment with the colors
If '!color!'=='test' goto tester
goto model
SEt /p test=Please give hexadecimal number type exit to leave:
if '!test!'=='exit' goto LOL101
color !test!
goto tester
echo title %title% >> %dir101%
echo color %color% >> %dir101%
goto menu
If '%choose%'=='1' (
set /p dir=what is the dir of your .txt:
If '%choose%'=='1' (
echo cls >> %dir101%
echo type %dir% >> %dir101%
goto menu
If '%choose%'=='4' (
SEt /p thyme=How much milliseconds 250 is usual:
echo ping -n 1 -w !thyme!>NUL >> %dir101%
goto menu
If '%choose%'=='9' (
echo Thanks for making
exit /b
Yeh それは大きなプログラムですが、私のエラーは本当に小さいです。テンプレートを入力して、変数を挿入できますか? しかしecho ping -n 1 -w !thyme!>NUL >> %dir101%
、>NUL をリダイレクトするように指定する必要があります