I'm using MySql with HeidiSql as an IDE. I have the following trigger:
declare blobpassed blob(50);
declare gid integer(10);
select lt.groupid into gid, GROUP_CONCAT(passed) into blobpassed from latest_tests lt
left join testcaseresults tcr on tcr.testcaseresultsid = lt.tcrid
left join grouping g on g.groupid = lt.groupid
where lt.tcrid = NEW.testcaseresultsid
group by lt.groupid;
if blobpassed REGEXP '[1,]+' THEN
update grouping g
set g.haspassed = 1
where g.groupid = gid;
But it keeps saying that there is a syntax error around GROUP_CONCAT(passed) into blobpassed from latest_tests lt
. Usually, those errors mean that there is something wrong before that (so, in this case, with gid). But i don't see what I'm doing wrong.
Can someone tell me what am I doing wrong? Thanks.