自分では解決できなかったので、UI ハッカーの助けを借りることにしました。
私はdivを作成し、画像(2番目の写真よりも大きく、左にとどまる)、テキスト(基本的にはp のテキストを含む)、次に小さな画像を挿入することで、シンプルなデザインをしようとしています。テキストは左側の画像を問題なく折り返しますが、問題は右側の画像が画像で折り返されていないことです。
<div style='overflow:hidden;width:600px;border:1px solid black;padding:5px;font-family:Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;'>
<img src='../images/monkey.jpg' style='margin-right:7px;border:1px solid #C0C0C0;padding:5px;float:left;height:100px;width:125px;'/>
<div style='word-wrap:break-word;'>
this is the second paragraph that has not even made it to the actual,this is the second paragraph that has not even made it to the actual, live, brutal online life.this is the second paragraph that has not even made it to the actual, live, brutal online life..This is the first paragraph to demonstrate how awesome-ly our products being built. Like w/e this is the second paragraph that has not even made it to the actual,this is the second paragraph that has not even made it to the actual, live, brutal online life.this is the second paragraph that has not even made it to the actual, live, brutal online life..This is the first paragraph to demonstrate how awesome-ly our products being built. Like w/e this is the second paragraph that has not even made it to the actual,this is the second paragraph that has not even made it to the actual, live, brutal online life.this is the second paragraph that has not even made it to the actual, live, brutal online life..This is the first paragraph to demonstrate how awesome-ly our products being built. Like w/e <img src='../images/monkey.jpg' style='margin-right:7px;border:1px solid #C0C0C0;padding:5px;float:right;height:50px;width:60px;'/>