セールスフォースで。MDR に 3 つのオブジェクトがあります。

obj_1 ---< obj_2 >--- Contacts.

Object_1 = 会議の種類と予算

Object_2 = 各会議の出席者とそれぞれに費やされた金額。

obj_2 の連絡先を含むレコードが更新されるたびに、連絡先オブジェクトのフィールドを更新する必要があるのは、その会議が過去 1 年間に開催された場合のみです。



1 に答える 1


This can be accomplished by a workflow or an Apex Trigger.

To use a workflow, go to Setup - Create - Workflow & Approvals - Workflow Rules.

  • Click 'New rule'
  • Select the Obj2 if that's the object that initiates change
  • Choose a name for the rule such as 'Update contact on Obj2 update'
  • Specify criteria for when workflow should be enacted by selecting 'formula evaluates to true' from a dropbox in the 'Rule Criteria' section and writing in the formula editor something like: DATEVALUE(MeetingDate) > DATE(YEAR(TODAY())-1, MONTH(TODAY()), DAY(TODAY())).
  • Click 'Save & Next'
  • Choose 'New Field Update' from the 'Add workflow action' dropbox.
  • Pick a name for the update action such as 'Update contact budget'
  • Specify the field to be updated by selecting from dropboxes below Contact and the field name in Contact such as ContactBudget
  • In the 'Specify new field value' section below choose 'Use a formula to set the new value' and enter the name of the field in Obj2 that specifies the budget like Meeting_budget__c
  • Save
  • Go to Setup - Create - Workflow & Approvals - Workflow Rules again
  • Click 'Activate' next to the rule you have just created

Greets, lenin_ra

于 2012-04-17T13:20:16.597 に答える