ライブラリからのソリューションの場合、 scikits.statsmodelsを使用するのが便利な選択であることがわかりました。statsmodels では、回帰オブジェクトには、パラメーターと標準エラーを返す呼び出し可能な属性があります。これがどのように機能するかの例を以下に示します。
# Imports, I assume NumPy for forming your data.
import numpy as np
import scikits.statsmodels.api as sm
# Form the data here
(X, Y) = ....
reg_x_data = np.ones(X.shape); # 0th degree term.
for ii in range(1,deg+1):
reg_x_data = np.hstack(( reg_x_data, X**(ii) )); # Append the ii^th degree term.
# Store OLS regression results into `result`
result = sm.OLS(Y,reg_x_data).fit()
# Print the estimated coefficients
print result.params
# Print the basic OLS standard error in the coefficients
print result.bse
# Print the estimated basic OLS covariance matrix
print result.cov_params() # <-- Notice, this one is a function by convention.
# Print the heteroskedasticity-consistent standard error
print result.HC0_se
# Print the heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix
print result.cov_HC0
。また、慣例により、異分散一貫性推定量の共分散行列は、対応する標準誤差を既に呼び出した後にのみ使用できます。たとえば、最初の参照によって 2 番目の参照が計算されて保存されるため、result.HC0_se
以下は、OLS 回帰係数を返すために作成した関数と、さまざまなものです。残差、回帰分散と標準誤差 (残差の二乗の標準誤差)、大規模サンプル分散の漸近式、OLS 共分散行列、不均一分散一貫性のある "ロバスト" 共分散推定 (OLS 共分散) を返します。ただし、残差に応じて重み付けされます)、および「ホワイト」または「バイアス補正された」異分散一貫性共分散。
import numpy as np
# Regression and standard error estimation functions
def ols_linreg(X, Y):
""" ols_linreg(X,Y)
Ordinary least squares regression estimator given explanatory variables
matrix X and observations matrix Y.The length of the first dimension of
X and Y must be the same (equal to the number of samples in the data set).
Note: these methods should be adapted if you need to use this for large data.
This is mostly for illustrating what to do for calculating the different
classicial standard errors. You would never really want to compute the inverse
matrices for large problems.
This was developed with NumPy 1.5.1.
(N, K) = X.shape
t1 = np.linalg.inv( (np.transpose(X)).dot(X) )
t2 = (np.transpose(X)).dot(Y)
beta = t1.dot(t2)
residuals = Y - X.dot(beta)
sig_hat = (1.0/(N-K))*np.sum(residuals**2)
sig_hat_asymptotic_variance = 2*sig_hat**2/N
conv_st_err = np.sqrt(sig_hat)
sum1 = 0.0
for ii in range(N):
sum1 = sum1 + np.outer(X[ii,:],X[ii,:])
sum1 = (1.0/N)*sum1
ols_cov = (sig_hat/N)*np.linalg.inv(sum1)
PX = X.dot( np.linalg.inv(np.transpose(X).dot(X)).dot(np.transpose(X)) )
robust_se_mat1 = np.linalg.inv(np.transpose(X).dot(X))
robust_se_mat2 = np.transpose(X).dot(np.diag(residuals[:,0]**(2.0)).dot(X))
robust_se_mat3 = np.transpose(X).dot(np.diag(residuals[:,0]**(2.0)/(1.0-np.diag(PX))).dot(X))
v_robust = robust_se_mat1.dot(robust_se_mat2.dot(robust_se_mat1))
v_modified_robust = robust_se_mat1.dot(robust_se_mat3.dot(robust_se_mat1))
""" Returns:
beta -- The vector of coefficient estimates, ordered on the columns on X.
residuals -- The vector of residuals, Y - X.beta
sig_hat -- The sample variance of the residuals.
conv_st_error -- The 'standard error of the regression', sqrt(sig_hat).
sig_hat_asymptotic_variance -- The analytic formula for the large sample variance
ols_cov -- The covariance matrix under the basic OLS assumptions.
v_robust -- The "robust" covariance matrix, weighted to account for the residuals and heteroskedasticity.
v_modified_robust -- The bias-corrected and heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix.
return beta, residuals, sig_hat, conv_st_err, sig_hat_asymptotic_variance, ols_cov, v_robust, v_modified_robust
import numpy as np
# Define or load your data:
(Y, X) = ....
# Desired polynomial degree
deg = 2;
reg_x_data = np.ones(X.shape); # 0th degree term.
for ii in range(1,deg+1):
reg_x_data = np.hstack(( reg_x_data, X**(ii) )); # Append the ii^th degree term.
# Get all of the regression data.
beta, residuals, sig_hat, conv_st_error, sig_hat_asymptotic_variance, ols_cov, v_robust, v_modified_robust = ols_linreg(reg_x_data,Y)
# Print the covariance matrix:
print ols_cov
私の計算 (特に不等分散整合性推定器) にバグを見つけた場合は、お知らせください。できるだけ早く修正します。