public static String vigenere(String plaintext, String key, boolean encrypt) {
final int textSize = plaintext.length();
final int keySize = key.length();
final int groupSize1 = 'Z' - 'A' + 1;
final int groupSize2 = 'z' - 'a' + 1;
final int totalGroupSize = groupSize1 + groupSize2;
final StringBuilder encryptedText = new StringBuilder(textSize);
for (int i = 0; i < textSize; i++) {
final char plainChar = plaintext.charAt(i);
// this should be a method, called for both the plain text as well as the key
final int plainGroupNumber;
if (plainChar >= 'A' && plainChar <= 'Z') {
plainGroupNumber = plainChar - 'A';
} else if (plainChar >= 'a' && plainChar <= 'z') {
plainGroupNumber = groupSize1 + plainChar - 'a';
} else {
// simply leave spaces and other characters
final char keyChar = key.charAt(i % keySize);
final int keyGroupNumber;
if (keyChar >= 'A' && keyChar <= 'Z') {
keyGroupNumber = keyChar - 'A';
} else if (keyChar >= 'a' && keyChar <= 'z') {
keyGroupNumber = groupSize1 + keyChar - 'a';
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid character in key");
// this should be a separate method
final int cipherGroupNumber;
if (encrypt) {
cipherGroupNumber = (plainGroupNumber + keyGroupNumber) % totalGroupSize;
} else {
// some code to go around the awkward way of handling % in Java for negative numbers
final int someCipherGroupNumber = plainGroupNumber - keyGroupNumber;
if (someCipherGroupNumber < 0) {
cipherGroupNumber = (someCipherGroupNumber + totalGroupSize);
} else {
cipherGroupNumber = someCipherGroupNumber;
// this should be a separate method
final char cipherChar;
if (cipherGroupNumber < groupSize1) {
cipherChar = (char) ('A' + cipherGroupNumber);
} else {
cipherChar = (char) ('a' + cipherGroupNumber - groupSize1);
return encryptedText.toString();
繰り返しになりますが、使用されている暗号は何年にもわたって破られてきたため、これは安全でないコードです。キーに「A」文字を使いすぎないでください :) しかし、文字エンコーディングは健全でなければなりません。