
私のクライアントはSEO会社にだまされており、私は彼らのビジネスを救う手助けをしようとしています. 私たちが抱えている大きな問題の 1 つは、彼らの Web サイトのコンテンツが SEO 企業の Web サイトでホストされているデータ フィードに依存していることです。主要な町周辺のさまざまなエリアのコンテンツは、このスクリプトによって自動生成されます。スクリプトの一部はクライアント サーバーでホストされ、フィードと通信します。

フィードが使用するすべてのデータを含む JSON ファイルを見つけましたが、代わりにスクリプトがこのファイルを読み取るのに苦労しています。

generateContentFromFeed と generateTextFromFile に関心があるはずの 2 つの関数があるようです。現在、generateContentFromFeed を使用しているようです (ただし、generateTextFromFile を使用している可能性がありますが、そうではないと確信しています。データを外部から取得したくない場合は、この関数があると思います)。

関数を入れ替えたり、構成ファイルのフィードのソースを変更したりしましたが、うまくいきませんでした。これで達成されたのは、json ファイルの内容全体を出力することだけでした。




 * This class manipulates content from files / JSON into an array
 * Also includes helpful functions for formatting content

class Content {

public $links = array();
public $replacements = array();

private function stripslashes_gpc($string) {

    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {

        return stripslashes($string);

    } else {

        return $string;



private function sourceContentToArray($source) {

    // array
    if (is_array($source)) {

        $array = $source;

    // json
    } elseif (json_decode($source) != FALSE || json_decode($source) != NULL) {

        $array = json_decode($source, 1);

    // file
    } elseif (file_exists($source)) {

        if (!$array = json_decode(file_get_contents($source), 1)) {

            echo "File empty or corrupt";
            return false;


    } else {

        echo 'Source content not recognised';
        return false;


    return $array;


public function generateContent($source, $type="paragraph", $label="", $subject, $num=0, $randomize_order=false) {

    if (!$array = $this->sourceContentToArray($source))
        return false;

    $array = empty($this->links) ? $this->loadLinks($array, $subject) : $array;
    $this->loadGlobalReplacements($array, $subject);

    $ca = array();
    foreach ($array['content'] as $c) {

        if ($c['type'] == $type) {

            if (empty($label) || (!empty($label) && $c['label'] == $label)) {

                $ca[] = $c;




    $rc = array();
    foreach ($ca as $k => $a) {

        $rc[] = $this->randomizeContent($a, $subject.$k);


    if ((!is_array($num) && $num >= 1) || (is_array($num) && $num[0] >= 1)) {

        $rc = $this->arraySliceByInteger($rc, $subject, $num);

    } else if ((!is_array($num) && $num > 0 && $num < 1) || (is_array($num) && $num[0] > 0 && $num[0] < 1)) {

        $rc = $this->arraySliceByPercentage($rc, $subject, $num);

    } else {

        if ($randomize_order == true)
            $rc = $this->arraySliceByPercentage($rc, $subject, 1);


    return $rc; 


public function formatContent($source, $type, $subject, $find_replace=array()) {

    $c = "";

    foreach ($source as $k => $s) {

        $text = "";
        if ($type == "list" || $type == "paragraph") {

            $text .= "<h3>";
            foreach ($s['title'] as $t) { 

                $text .= $t." ";

            $text .= "</h3>";


        if ($type == "list") {

            $text .= "<ul>";

        } else if ($type == "paragraph") {

            $text .= "<p>";


        foreach ($s['parts'] as $b) { 

            if ($type == "list")
                $text .= "<li>";

            $text .= $b." ";

            if ($type == "list")
                $text .= "</li>";


        if ($type == "list") {

            $text .= "</ul>";

        } else if ($type == "paragraph") {

            $text .= "</p>";


        $text = $this->findReplace($s['replacements'], $text, $subject.$k."1");
        $text = $this->injectLinks($this->links, $text, $subject.$k."2");
        $text = $this->findReplace($this->replacements, $text, $subject.$k."3");
        $text = $this->findReplace($find_replace, $text, $subject.$k."4");
        $text = $this->aAnReplacement($text);
        $text = $this->capitaliseFirstLetterOfSentences($text);

        $c .= $this->stripslashes_gpc($text);


    return $c;


public function injectLinks($links, $text, $subject) {

    global $randomizer;

    if (empty($links))
        return $text;

    foreach ($links as $k => $link) {

        $_link = array();
        if (preg_match("/\{L".($k+1)."\}/", $text)) {

            preg_match_all("/\{L".($k+1)."\}/", $text, $vars);

            foreach ($vars[0] as $vark => $varv) {

                $_link['link'] = empty($_link['link']) ? $this->links[$k]['link'] : $_link['link'];
                $l_link = $randomizer->fetchEncryptedRandomPhrase($_link['link'], 1, $subject.$k.$vark);
                unset($_link['link'][array_search($l_link, $_link['link'])]);
                $_link['link'] = array_values($_link['link']);

                $_link['text'] = empty($_link['text']) ? $this->links[$k]['text'] : $_link['text'];
                $l_text = $randomizer->fetchEncryptedRandomPhrase($_link['text'], 2, $subject.$k.$vark);
                unset($_link['text'][array_search($l_text, $_link['text'])]);
                $_link['text'] = array_values($_link['text']);

                $link_html = empty($l_link) ? $l_text : "<a href=\"".$l_link."\">".$l_text."</a>";
                $text = preg_replace("/\{L".($k+1)."\}/", $link_html, $text, 1);




    return $text;


private function loadLinks($source, $subject) {

    global $randomizer;

    if (!empty($source['links'])) { 

        foreach ($source['links'] as $k => $l) {

            $source['links'][$k]['link'] = preg_split("/\r?\n/", trim($l['link']));
            $source['links'][$k]['text'] = preg_split("/\r?\n/", trim($l['text']));


        $this->links = $source['links'];


    return $source;


private function loadGlobalReplacements($source, $subject) {

    global $randomizer;

    $source['replacements'] = $this->removeEmptyIndexes($source['replacements']);
    foreach ($source['replacements'] as $k => $l) {

        $source['replacements'][$k] = preg_split("/\r?\n/", trim($l));


    $this->replacements = $source['replacements'];
    return $source;


private function removeUsedLinksFromPool($link) {

    foreach ($this->links as $key => $links) {

        foreach ($links['link'] as $k => $l) {

            if ($l == $link) {






private function randomizeContent($source, $subject) {

    global $randomizer;

    $source['title'] = $this->removeEmptyIndexes($source['title']);
    foreach ($source['title'] as $k => $t) {

        $source['title'][$k] = trim($randomizer->fetchEncryptedRandomPhrase(preg_split("/\r?\n/", trim($t)), 1, $subject.$k));


    $source['parts'] = $this->removeEmptyIndexes($source['parts']);
    foreach ($source['parts'] as $k => $b) {

        $source['parts'][$k] = trim($randomizer->fetchEncryptedRandomPhrase(preg_split("/\r?\n/", trim($b)), 2, $subject.$k));


    $source['structure'] = trim($source['structure']);
    if ($source['type'] == "list") {

        $source['parts'] = array_values($source['parts']);
        $source['parts'] = $randomizer->randomShuffle($source['parts'], $subject."9");

    } else if ($source['structure'] != "") {

        $source['structure'] = $randomizer->fetchEncryptedRandomPhrase(preg_split("/\r?\n/", $source['structure']), 3, $subject);
        preg_match_all("/(\{[0-9]{1,2}\})/", $source['structure'], $matches);

        $sc = array();
        foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {

            $sc[] = str_replace(array("{", "}"), "", $match);


        $bs = array();
        foreach ($sc as $s) {

            $bs[] = $source['parts'][$s];


        $source['parts'] = $bs;


    $source['replacements'] = $this->removeEmptyIndexes($source['replacements']);
    foreach ($source['replacements'] as $k => $r) {

        $source['replacements'][$k] = preg_split("/\r?\n/", trim($r));


    return $source;


private function removeEmptyIndexes($array, $reset_keys=false) {

    foreach($array as $key => $value) {

        if ($value == "") {




    if (!empty($reset_keys))
        $array = array_values($array);

    return $array;


private function arraySliceByPercentage($array, $subject, $decimal=0.6) {

    global $randomizer;

    $array = $randomizer->randomShuffle($array, $subject);

    if (is_array($decimal))
        $decimal = $randomizer->fetchEncryptedRandomPhrase(range($decimal[0], $decimal[1], 0.1), 1, $subject);

    $ac = count($array);
    $n = ceil($ac * $decimal);

    $new_array = array_slice($array, 0, $n);

    return $new_array;


private function arraySliceByInteger($array, $subject, $number=10) {

    global $randomizer;

    $array = $randomizer->randomShuffle($array, $subject);

    if (is_array($number))
        $number = $randomizer->fetchEncryptedRandomPhrase(range($number[0], $number[1]), 1, $subject);

    $new_array = array_slice($array, 0, $number);

    return $new_array;


private function aAnReplacement($text) {

    $irregular = array(

        "hour"      => "an",
        "europe"    => "a",
        "unique"    => "a",
        "honest"    => "an",
        "one"       => "a"


    $text = preg_replace("/(^|\W)([aA])n ([^aAeEiIoOuU])/", "$1$2"." "."$3", $text);
    $text = preg_replace("/(^|\W)([aA]) ([aAeEiIoOuU])/", "$1$2"."n "."$3", $text);

    foreach ($irregular as $k => $v) {

        if (preg_match("/(^|\W)an? ".$k."/i", $text)) {

            $text = preg_replace("/(^|\W)an? (".$k.")/i", "$1".$v." "."$2", $text);



    return $text;


private function capitaliseFirstLetterOfSentences($text) {

    $text = preg_replace("/(<p>|<li>|^|[\n\t]|[\.\?\!]+\s)(<a.*?>)?(?!%)([a-z]{1})/se", "'$1$2'.strtoupper('$3')", $text);  
    return $text;


public function findReplace($find_replace, $input, $subject) {

    global $randomizer;
    if (!empty($find_replace)) {

        foreach ($find_replace as $key => $val) {

            if (is_array($val)) {

                $fr = $val;
                $pattern = "/".preg_quote($key)."/i";
                preg_match_all($pattern, $input, $vars);

                foreach ($vars[0] as $vark => $varv) {

                    $fr = empty($fr) ? $val : $fr;
                    $new_val = $randomizer->fetchEncryptedRandomPhrase($fr, 1, $subject.$key.$vark);
                    unset($fr[array_search($new_val, $fr)]);
                    $fr = array_values($fr);

                    $input = preg_replace($pattern, $new_val, $input, 1);


            } else {

                $pattern = "/".preg_quote($key)."/i";
                $input = preg_replace($pattern, $val, $input);




    return $input;


public function generateTextFromFile($file, $subject, $find_replace=array()) {

    global $randomizer;

    $content = trim(file_get_contents($file));
    $lines = preg_split("/\r?\n/s", $content);

    $text = $randomizer->fetchEncryptedRandomPhrase($lines, 4, $subject);
    $text = $this->findReplace($find_replace, $text, $subject);

    return $text;


public function generateContentFromFeed($file, $type, $label="", $subject, $num=0, $find_replace=array()) {

    global $cfg;

    $vars = array ( "api_key"       => $cfg['feed']['api_key'],
                    "subject"       => $subject,
                    "file"          => $file,
                    "type"          => $type,
                    "label"         => $label,
                    "num"           => $num,
                    "find_replace"  => json_encode($find_replace));

    $encoded_vars = http_build_query($vars);

    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"http://feeds.redsauce.com/example/index.php");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $encoded_vars);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

    $content = curl_exec($ch);


    return $content;






// Paths
$cfg['basedir'] = "public_html/directory/"; // change this for inlcudes and requires.
$cfg['baseurl'] = "/directory/"; // change this for relative links and linking to images, media etc.
$cfg['fullbaseurl'] = "http://customerssite.com/directory/"; // change this for absolute links and linking to pages

// Database - local
$cfg['database']['host'] = "";
$cfg['database']['name'] = "username";
$cfg['database']['user'] = 'root'; // change this to the database user
$cfg['database']['password'] = ''; // change this to the database password

// Database - web
$cfg['database']['host'] = "localhost";
$cfg['database']['name'] = "db";
$cfg['database']['user'] = 'user'; // change this to the database user
$cfg['database']['password'] = 'pass'; // change this to the database password

// Errors
$cfg['errors']['display'] = 1; // change this to display errors on or off (on for testing, off for production)
$cfg['errors']['log'] = 0; // change this to log errors to /log/error.log

// Caching
$cfg['caching']['status'] = 0; // determines whether the cache is enabled. 1 for enabled, 0 for disabled 
$cfg['caching']['expiry_time'] = 604800; // determines expiry time of cached items (604800 = 14 days)
$cfg['caching']['directory'] = $cfg['basedir']."public_html/_cache/"; // directory in which cached files are stored

// Analytics
$cfg['analytics']['status'] = 1;
$cfg['analytics']['tracking_id'] = "UA-21030138-1";

// Javascript
$cfg['maps']['status'] = 0; // load google maps javascript
$cfg['jquery_ui']['status'] = 0; // load jquery ui javascript + css

// Site defaults
$cfg['site_name'] = "Customer"; // change this to the site name
$cfg['default']['page_title'] = "Customer"; // change this to the default title of all pages
$cfg['default']['page_description'] = "Customer"; // change this to the default meta-description of all pages
$cfg['default']['email'] = "Customer"; // change this to the administrators email for receiving messages when users signup etc
$cfg['default']['category']['id'] = 130;

// Email
$cfg['email']['address'] = "Customer"; // change this to the administrators email for receiving messages when users signup etc
$cfg['email']['from'] = $cfg['site_name']." <Customer>"; // email will appear to have come from this address
$cfg['email']['subject'] = "Enquiry from ".$cfg['site_name']; // subject of the email
$cfg['email']['success_message'] = "Thank you for your enquiry. Someone will be in touch with you shortly."; // message to display if the email is sent successfully
$cfg['email']['failure_message'] = "There was an error processing your enquiry. <a href=\"".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\">Please try again</a>."; // message to display if the email is not sent successfully

// Content feed
$cfg['feed']['api_key'] = "Customer"; // enter the unique content feed api key here
$cfg['feed']['url'] = "http://feeds.customersseocompany.com/customer/index.php"; // URL to connect to to pull the content feed

// Dates
$cfg['default']['date_format'] = "d/m/Y H:i:s";

// Options
$cfg['listings']['type'] = "ajax"; // options are none (to display no listings), page (to display the listings on the page) or ajax (to load the listings via AJAX)
$cfg['listings']['num_per_page'] = 10; // maximum number of listings to show per page

// Routing
$cfg['routes'] = array(

'category' => array(



't1' => array(



't1_map' => array(



't2_map' => array(



'ajax_listings' => array(



'search' => array(



'single' => array(




// Site specific

// Encoding
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');


段落テキストを生成する tier1.php (各場所とキーワードのページを生成するために使用されるファイル) で使用されるコードの一部:


$randParas = array(1, 2, 3);

$numParas = $randomizer -> fetchEncryptedRandomPhrase($randParas, 1, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

$content = $content->generateContentFromFeed(

// file

// type

// label

// subject

// num

// find_ replace

    "XX" => $t1_location[0]['definitive_name'],
    "YY" => $cfg['site_name']




json ファイルの 1 つからのスニペット (貼り付けたコードが早期に終了することは承知しています。ファイルが巨大なので、その一部をここに置きたかっただけです!):

{"filename":" xx keywords","content":[{"title":{"1":"xx example\r\nexample in xx\r\nexample in the xx region\r\nexample in the xx area","2":"","3":"","4":""},"type":"paragraph","label":"","structure":"","parts":{"1":"Stylish and practical, a xx keyword \r\nPractical and stylish, a xx keyword \r\nUseful and pragmatic, a xx keyword \r\nPragmatic and useful, a xx keyword \r\nModern and convenient, a xx keyword ",

さらに情報が必要な場合は、必要なものを教えてください。私は本当にこのクライアントを助けたいので、事前に助けてくれて本当に感謝しています. 彼らは、ネガティブなSEO会社の攻撃を受けるに値しない素晴らしい人々です。

最も役立つのは、誰かがこのスクリプトが何であるかを知っている場合です! その後、それを購入/ダウンロードして、データを使用して独自のフィードを生成できます。

フィードを生成するためのコード、または json ファイルからデータを取得して正しくフィルター処理する方法を教えていただければ幸いです。






$randParas = array(1, 2, 3);

$numParas = $randomizer -> fetchEncryptedRandomPhrase($randParas, 1, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

$content = $content->generateContent(

// file

// type

// label

// subject

// num

// find_ replace

    "XX" => $t1_location[0]['definitive_name'],
    "YY" => $cfg['site_name']





            if($numParas == '3'){

                $divClass = 'vertiCol';


            elseif($numParas == '2'){

                $divClass = 'vertiColDub';


            else {

                $divClass = 'horizCol';


            $randImages = glob('_images/categories/'.$category[0]['category_slug'].'/*.jpg');
            $randImages = $randomizer->randomShuffle($randImages, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

                $fc = preg_replace("/<h3>.*?<\/h3>/", "$0", $content);              
                $fc = preg_replace("/<h3>.*?<\/h3><p>.*?<\/p>/", "<div class=\"contCol ".$divClass."\">$0$1</div>", $content);

            $fca = preg_split("/(\.|\?|\!)/", $fc, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

            $prStr = '';

            foreach ($fca as $fck => $fcv) {

                if ($fck % 3 == 0 && $fck != 0 && !in_array($fcv, array(".", "?", "!"))) 
                    $prStr .= "</p>\n<p>";

                    $prStr .= $fcv;


            preg_match_all('/<div class="contCol '.$divClass.'"><h3>.*?<\/h3>.*?<\/div>/s', $prStr, $matches);

            $randAlign = array(

            #   array('bottomright')



                $randSelectAlign = $randomizer->fetchEncryptedRandomPhrase($randAlign, 0, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);             
                $randSelectAlign = $randSelectAlign[0];

            foreach($matches[0] as $newPar){



                    echo str_replace('</h3><p>', '</h3><p><span class="imgWrap" style="float:left"><img src="'.$cfg['baseurl'].$randImages[$i].'" width="170" /></span>', $newPar);



                    echo str_replace('</h3><p>', '</h3><p><span class="imgWrap" style="float:right"><img src="'.$cfg['baseurl'].$randImages[$i].'" width="170" /></span>', $newPar);



                    echo str_replace('</p></div>', '<span class="imgWrap" style="float:left"><img src="'.$cfg['baseurl'].$randImages[$i].'" width="170" /></span></div>', $newPar);



                    echo str_replace('</p></div>', '<span class="imgWrap" style="float:right"><img src="'.$cfg['baseurl'].$randImages[$i].'" width="170" /></span></div>', $newPar);


                else {


                //randomly from float array based on server uri!

                //randomly select a way to display the images here etc      




注意: /home/account/public_html/subdomain/directory/_pages/tier1.php の 230 行目の配列から文字列への変換

注意: /home/account/public_html/subdomain/directory/_pages/tier1.php の 231 行目の配列から文字列への変換

警告: preg_split() は、パラメーター 2 が文字列、233 行目の /home/account/public_html/subdomain/directory/_pages/tier1.php で指定された配列であると想定します

警告: 237 行目の /home/account/public_html/subdomain/directory/_pages/tier1.php の foreach() に無効な引数が指定されました


230  $fc = preg_replace("/<h3>.*?<\/h3>/", "$0", $content);             
231  $fc = preg_replace("/<h3>.*?<\/h3><p>.*?<\/p>/", "<div class=\"contCol ".$divClass."\">$0$1</div>", $content);
233  $fca = preg_split("/(\.|\?|\!)/", $fc, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
235  $prStr = '';
237  foreach ($fca as $fck => $fcv) {

       if ($fck % 3 == 0 && $fck != 0 && !in_array($fcv, array(".", "?", "!"))) 
           $prStr .= "</p>\n<p>";

           $prStr .= $fcv;


これは、コンテンツを配列として吐き出しているためだと思いますか? データを正しく出力するために、データに対して特に行う必要があることはありますか?




1 に答える 1



generateContent()最初のパラメーター ( ) として、JSON データを文字列としてメソッドに渡すことができます$source


于 2012-04-24T02:35:04.940 に答える