このコードを書きましたが、「実行時エラー '91':」が発生しました。
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
If Me.cmbMonth = "" And Me.cmbYear = "" Then
MsgBox "Please select MONTH and YEAR"
Exit Sub
End If
With crystalrpt
.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\Report\VariableReport.rpt" <-- ERROR IS HERE
.SelectionFormula = "{SW.dtaMonth}='" & cmbMonth.Text & "' and {SW.dtaYear}=" & dtaYear.Text & "" & _
" and {SFW.dtaMonth}='" & cmbMonth.Text & "' and {SFW.dtaYear}=" & dtaYear.Text & "" & _
" and {OT.dtaMonth}='" & cmbMonth.Text & "' and {OT.dtaYear}=" & dtaYear.Text & "" & _
" and {CL.dtaMonth}='" & cmbMonth.Text & "' and {CL.dtaYear}=" & dtaYear.Text & "" & _
" and {RM.dtaMonth}='" & cmbMonth.Text & "' and {RM.dtaYear}=" & dtaYear.Text & "" & _
" and {EL.dtaMonth}='" & cmbMonth.Text & "' and {EL.dtaYear}=" & dtaYear.Text & "" & _
" and {TRANS.dtaMonth}='" & cmbMonth.Text & "' and {TRANS.dtaYear}=" & dtaYear.Text & "" & _
" and {WD.dtaMonth}='" & cmbMonth.Text & "' and {WD.dtaYear}=" & dtaYear.Text & "" & _
" and {MP.dtaMonth}='" & cmbMonth.Text & "' and {MP.dtaYear}=" & dtaYear.Text & "" & _
" and {NONSTOCK.dtaMonth}='" & cmbMonth.Text & "' and {NONSTOCK.dtaYear}=" & dtaYear.Text & "" & _
" and {PACK.dtaMonth}='" & cmbMonth.Text & "' and {PACK.dtaYear}=" & dtaYear.Text & ""
.WindowTitle = "Report"
.Action = 1 'Will Show The Report
End With
End Sub