これは単語では不可能だという印象を受けていますが、非常に長い論文のどこかに同じ順序で来る 3 ~ 4 語を探していると、同じフレーズの重複を見つけることができると思います。
私は過去の論文から多くのドキュメントをコピーして貼り付けました。この 40 ページ以上のドキュメントで繰り返される情報を見つける簡単な方法を見つけたいと思っていました。多くの異なる書式設定がありますが、順番に書式設定を一時的に削除したいと考えています。繰り返される情報を見つける。
Option Explicit
Sub Sample()
Dim MyArray() As String
Dim n As Long, i As Long
Dim Col As New Collection
Dim itm
n = 0
'~~> Get all the sentences from the word document in an array
For i = 1 To ActiveDocument.Sentences.Count
n = n + 1
ReDim Preserve MyArray(n)
MyArray(n) = Trim(ActiveDocument.Sentences(i).Text)
'~~> Sort the array
SortArray MyArray, 0, UBound(MyArray)
'~~> Extract Duplicates
For i = 1 To UBound(MyArray)
If i = UBound(MyArray) Then Exit For
If InStr(1, MyArray(i + 1), MyArray(i), vbTextCompare) Then
On Error Resume Next
Col.Add MyArray(i), """" & MyArray(i) & """"
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Next i
'~~> Highlight duplicates
For Each itm In Col
Selection.HomeKey wdStory, wdMove
Selection.Find.Execute itm
Do Until Selection.Find.Found = False
Selection.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdPink
End Sub
'~~> Sort the array
Public Sub SortArray(vArray As Variant, i As Long, j As Long)
Dim tmp As Variant, tmpSwap As Variant
Dim ii As Long, jj As Long
ii = i: jj = j: tmp = vArray((i + j) \ 2)
While (ii <= jj)
While (vArray(ii) < tmp And ii < j)
ii = ii + 1
While (tmp < vArray(jj) And jj > i)
jj = jj - 1
If (ii <= jj) Then
tmpSwap = vArray(ii)
vArray(ii) = vArray(jj): vArray(jj) = tmpSwap
ii = ii + 1: jj = jj - 1
End If
If (i < jj) Then SortArray vArray, i, jj
If (ii < j) Then SortArray vArray, ii, j
End Sub
私は自分の DAWG の提案を使用しませんでした。他の誰かがこれを行う方法を持っているかどうかを知りたいのですが、これを思いつくことができました:
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim ABC As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim v As Range
Dim n As Integer
n = 5
Set ABC = FindRepeatingWordChains(n, ActiveDocument)
' This is a dictionary of word ranges (not the same as an Excel range) that contains the listing of each word chain/phrase of length n (5 from the above example).
' Loop through this collection to make your selections/highlights/whatever you want to do.
If Not ABC Is Nothing Then
For Each v In ABC
v.Font.Color = wdColorRed
Next v
End If
End Sub
' This is where the real code begins.
Function FindRepeatingWordChains(ChainLenth As Integer, DocToCheck As Document) As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim DictWords As New Scripting.Dictionary, DictMatches As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim sChain As String
Dim CurWord As Range
Dim MatchCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
MatchCount = 0
For Each CurWord In DocToCheck.Words
' Make sure there are enough remaining words in our document to handle a chain of the length specified.
If Not CurWord.Next(wdWord, ChainLenth - 1) Is Nothing Then
' Check for non-printing characters in the first/last word of the chain.
' This code will read a vbCr, etc. as a word, which is probably not desired.
' However, this check does not exclude these 'words' inside the chain, but it can be modified.
If CurWord <> vbCr And CurWord <> vbNewLine And CurWord <> vbCrLf And CurWord <> vbLf And CurWord <> vbTab And _
CurWord.Next(wdWord, ChainLenth - 1) <> vbCr And CurWord.Next(wdWord, ChainLenth - 1) <> vbNewLine And _
CurWord.Next(wdWord, ChainLenth - 1) <> vbCrLf And CurWord.Next(wdWord, ChainLenth - 1) <> vbLf And _
CurWord.Next(wdWord, ChainLenth - 1) <> vbTab Then
sChain = CurWord
For i = 1 To ChainLenth - 1
' Add each word from the current word through the next ChainLength # of words to a temporary string.
sChain = sChain & " " & CurWord.Next(wdWord, i)
Next i
' If we already have our temporary string stored in the dictionary, then we have a match, assign the word range to the returned dictionary.
' If not, then add it to the dictionary and increment our index.
If DictWords.Exists(sChain) Then
MatchCount = MatchCount + 1
DictMatches.Add DocToCheck.Range(CurWord.Start, CurWord.Next(wdWord, ChainLenth - 1).End), MatchCount
DictWords.Add sChain, sChain
End If
End If
End If
Next CurWord
' If we found any matching results, then return that list, otherwise return nothing (to be caught by the calling function).
If DictMatches.Count > 0 Then
Set FindRepeatingWordChains = DictMatches
Set FindRepeatingWordChains = Nothing
End If
End Function
このソースの 258 ページのドキュメント ( TheStory.txt
) でこれをテストしたところ、わずか数分で実行されました。
オブジェクトを使用するには、Microsoft Scripting Runtime を参照する必要がありScripting.Dictionary
方法があるため、 を好みます。
私はかなり不十分な理論を選択しましたが、うまくいくようです (少なくとも、私は理解が遅い場合があるため、質問が正しければ)。テキスト全体を文字列に読み込み、個々の単語を配列に読み込み、配列をループして文字列を連結し、毎回 3 つの連続する単語を含めます。
結果はすでに 3 つの単語グループに含まれているため、4 つの単語グループ以上が自動的に認識されます。
Option Explicit
Sub Find_Duplicates()
On Error GoTo errHandler
Dim pSingleLine As Paragraph
Dim sLine As String
Dim sFull_Text As String
Dim vArray_Full_Text As Variant
Dim sSearch_3 As String
Dim lSize_Array As Long
Dim lCnt As Long
Dim lCnt_Occurence As Long
'Create a string from the entire text
For Each pSingleLine In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
sLine = pSingleLine.Range.Text
sFull_Text = sFull_Text & sLine
Next pSingleLine
'Load the text into an array
vArray_Full_Text = sFull_Text
vArray_Full_Text = Split(sFull_Text, " ")
lSize_Array = UBound(vArray_Full_Text)
For lCnt = 1 To lSize_Array - 1
lCnt_Occurence = 0
sSearch_3 = Trim(fRemove_Punctuation(vArray_Full_Text(lCnt - 1) & _
" " & vArray_Full_Text(lCnt) & _
" " & vArray_Full_Text(lCnt + 1)))
With Selection.Find
.Text = sSearch_3
.Forward = True
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Format = False
.MatchCase = False
Do While .Execute
lCnt_Occurence = lCnt_Occurence + 1
If lCnt_Occurence > 1 Then
Selection.Range.Font.Color = vbRed
End If
End With
Application.StatusBar = lCnt & "/" & lSize_Array
Next lCnt
End Sub
Public Function fRemove_Punctuation(sString As String) As String
Dim vArray(0 To 8) As String
Dim lCnt As Long
vArray(0) = "."
vArray(1) = ","
vArray(2) = ","
vArray(3) = "?"
vArray(4) = "!"
vArray(5) = ";"
vArray(6) = ":"
vArray(7) = "("
vArray(8) = ")"
For lCnt = 0 To UBound(vArray)
If Left(sString, 1) = vArray(lCnt) Then
sString = Right(sString, Len(sString) - 1)
ElseIf Right(sString, 1) = vArray(lCnt) Then
sString = Left(sString, Len(sString) - 1)
End If
Next lCnt
fRemove_Punctuation = sString
End Function