use strict;
use warnings;
use MongoDB;
# Open file
print "--> Read file\n";
open( INPUT, "<userlist.txt" ) or die "Could not open the file: $!\n";
print "--> Read INPUT OK\n";
open( OUTPUT, ">>outfile.txt" ) or die "Could not open the file: $!\n";
print "--> Read OUTPUT OK\n";
# MongoDB parameter
my $mongoHost = localhost;
my $mongoPort = 12345;
my $conn = MongoDB::Connection->new( "host" => "$mongoHost", "port" => $mongoPort ); # Open connection
my $db = $conn->mylist; # Connect to database
my $user_stats = $db->user_stats; # Choose a collection
print "--> Connect to MongoDB\n";
# Read through line
foreach my $line ( <INPUT> ) {
# Extract content
chomp( $line ); # Remove newline
print "$line\n";
my $statsResult = $user_stats->find( { nickname => '$line' } );
while ( my $obj = $statsResult->next ) {
print $obj->{ "nickname" } . ";";
print $obj->{ "total" } . "\n";
close( OUTPUT );
close( INPUT );
print "--> End of Code\n";
exit 0;
行で変数を認識できないようです。のような文字列my $statsResult = $user_stats->find( { msisdn => '$line' } );
に置き換えると機能します。以前の print ステートメントは問題なく動作しました。$line