#include "thingy.h"
int main() {}
int add (int x, int y);
char * parse_input_fragment(const string & ,const string & , size_t &, size_t &);
#include "thingy.h"
int add (int x, int y)
return x+y;
char * parse_input_fragment(const string & objective,const string & input, size_t & first_finder, size_t & second_finder) {
char * string_to_int_buffer = new char[64];
first_finder = input.find(objective, first_finder);
first_finder = (input.find('=', first_finder))+1;
second_finder = input.find(';', first_finder);
int y = 0;
for(unsigned int x = first_finder; x < second_finder; x++) {
if ( (input[x] != ' ') && (input[x] != '\n') ) {
string_to_int_buffer[y] = input[x];
string_to_int_buffer[y] = '\0';
first_finder = second_finder;
return string_to_int_buffer;
エラーメッセージ:province.obj:エラーLNK2005: "public:__thiscall Province :: Province(void)"(?? 0province @@ QAE @ XZ)はすでにgrandiose.objで定義されています
Province.obj:エラーLNK2005: "public:__thiscall Province :: Province(class std :: basic_string、class std :: allocator>、int * const)"(?? 0province @@ QAE @ V?$ basic_string @ DU?$ char_traits @ D @ std @@ V?$ allocator @ D @ 2 @@ std @@ QAH @ Z)はgrandiose.objですでに定義されています
// grandiose.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "market.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
market England;
ifstream reader;
reader.open ("provinces.txt", ios::in);
if (reader.is_open()) { //check if txt file successfully opened
cout << "\n\nprovinces.txt was successfully opened.\n\n";
else {
cout << "\n\nfile was not successfully opened.\n\n";
return (1);
string reader_buffer;
while ( reader.good() ) { // while not end of file
getline (reader, reader_buffer, '}'); // get one province's worth of data from txt file
if (!reader_buffer.empty()) {
parse_provinces (reader_buffer); // send data to be parsed
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include "province.h"
using namespace std;
class market
list<province> provinces;
#ifndef PROVINCE_H
#define PROVINCE_H
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int add (int x, int y);
char * parse_input_fragment(const string & ,const string & , size_t &, size_t &);
class province
province::province(string, int[]);
unsigned int * rural_poor;
unsigned int * urban_poor;
unsigned int * max_mine_jobs;
unsigned int * max_farm_jobs;
unsigned int * employed_mine;
unsigned int * employed_farm;
unsigned int * employed_factory;
string name;
province::province () {
rural_poor = new unsigned int(0);
urban_poor = new unsigned int(0);
max_mine_jobs = new unsigned int(0);
max_farm_jobs = new unsigned int(0);
employed_mine = new unsigned int(0);
employed_farm = new unsigned int(0);
employed_factory = new unsigned int(0);
name = "";
province::province (string name, int numbers[]) {
province::name = name;
cout << "This province is named " << province::name << endl;
rural_poor = new unsigned int(numbers[0]);
cout << "Rural poor = " << *rural_poor << endl;
urban_poor = new unsigned int(numbers[1]);
cout << "Urban poor = " << *urban_poor << endl;
max_mine_jobs = new unsigned int(numbers[2]);
cout << "Max mine jobs = " << *max_mine_jobs << endl;
max_farm_jobs = new unsigned int(numbers[3]);
cout << "Max farm jobs = " << *max_farm_jobs << endl;
province * parse_provinces(string);
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "province.h"
int add (int x, int y)
return x+y;
char * parse_input_fragment(const string & objective,const string & input, size_t & first_finder, size_t & second_finder) {
char * string_to_int_buffer = new char[64];
first_finder = input.find(objective, first_finder);
first_finder = (input.find('=', first_finder))+1;
second_finder = input.find(';', first_finder);
int y = 0;
for(unsigned int x = first_finder; x < second_finder; x++) {
if ( (input[x] != ' ') && (input[x] != '\n') ) {
string_to_int_buffer[y] = input[x];
string_to_int_buffer[y] = '\0';
first_finder = second_finder;
return string_to_int_buffer;
province * parse_provinces(string input) {
size_t first_finder;
size_t second_finder;
char * string_to_int_buffer;
int population_info[4];
// find the name
first_finder = input.find('=');
string name;
for(unsigned int x = 0; x < first_finder; x++) {
if ((input[x] != ' ') && (input[x] != '\n')) {
// find the rural poor
string_to_int_buffer = parse_input_fragment("rural_poor", input, first_finder, second_finder);
population_info[0] = atoi(string_to_int_buffer);
// find the urban poor
string_to_int_buffer = parse_input_fragment("urban_poor", input, first_finder, second_finder);
population_info[1] = atoi(string_to_int_buffer);
// find max mine jobs
string_to_int_buffer = parse_input_fragment("max_mine_jobs", input, first_finder, second_finder);
population_info[2] = atoi(string_to_int_buffer);
// find max farm jobs
string_to_int_buffer = parse_input_fragment("max_farm_jobs", input, first_finder, second_finder);
population_info[3] = atoi(string_to_int_buffer);
delete[] string_to_int_buffer;
string_to_int_buffer = NULL;
province * current_province = new province(name, population_info);
return current_province;