2 つの文字列、長整数、および整数の配列で構成される構造体のベクトルがあります。上記の構造体の作成時に、配列内の各要素を 0 に初期化します。私の質問は、配列内の各要素に異なる値を割り当てるにはどうすればよいかということです。swap と assign を使用しようとしましたが、それらは 2 次元ではなく 2 つの 1 次元ベクトルを持つためのものであり、特定の構造体の値を特定の時間に変更したいだけです。助けてください?ありがとう!
//this is my struct
typedef struct {
string lastName;
string firstName;
long int gNumber;
int grades[12];
} student;
//this function takes data from a file, fills it into a struct, then pushes back into //vector
bool loadStudentData( vector<student> &studentRecords, ifstream *inFile, student tempStudent) {
int idx = 0;
stringstream fileLine;
string line;
bool isLoaded = true;
char letterInGNumber;
while (getline(*inFile, line)) {
fileLine << line;
getline(fileLine, tempStudent.lastName, ',');
getline(fileLine, tempStudent.firstName, ',');
fileLine >> letterInGNumber;
fileLine >> tempStudent.gNumber;
for (idx = 0; idx <= 11; idx++) {
tempStudent.grades[idx] = 0;
return isLoaded;
//this function is trying to take things from a second file, and if the Gnumber(the //long int) is found in the vector then assign values to the grade array
void loadClassData(vector<student> &studentRecords, ifstream *inFile) {
int idx = 0, idxTwo = 0, idxThree = 0;
long int tempGNumber = 0;
stringstream fileLine;
vector<long int> gNumbers;
bool numberFound = false;
char letterInGNumber;
string line;
while (getline(*inFile, line)) {
numberFound = false;
fileLine << line;
fileLine >> letterInGNumber;
fileLine >> tempGNumber;
for (idxTwo = 0; idxTwo <= studentRecords.size(); idxTwo++) {
if (studentRecords[idxTwo].gNumber == tempGNumber) {
numberFound = true;
if (numberFound) {
for (idxThree = 0; idxThree <= 11; idxThree++) {
//fileLine >> studentRecords[idx].grades[idxThree];
/**********here is the problem, I don't know how to assign the grade values******/
else {
cout << "G Number could not be found!" << endl << endl;