次のコードを使用して、ユーザーがテーブルの最初または最後に到達する傾向があるときに、2 倍のテーブルの最初の部分と 2 倍のテーブルの 2 番目の部分を切り替えます。
/* To emulate infinite scrolling...
The table data was doubled to join the head and tail: (suppose table had 1,2,3,4)
1 2 3 4|1 2 3 4 (actual data doubled)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (visualising joined table in eight parts)
When the user scrolls backwards to 1/8th of the joined table, user is actually at the 1/4th of actual data, so we scroll instantly (we take user) to the 5/8th of the joined table where the cells are exactly the same.
Similarly, when user scrolls to 6/8th of the table, we will scroll back to 2/8th where the cells are same. (I'm using 6/8th when 7/8th sound more logical because 6/8th is good for small tables.)
In simple words, when user reaches 1/4th of the first half of table, we scroll to 1/4th of the second half, when he reaches 2/4th of the second half of table, we scroll to the 2/4 of first half. This is done simply by subtracting OR adding half the length of the new/joined table.
-(void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView_
CGFloat currentOffsetX = scrollView_.contentOffset.x;
CGFloat currentOffSetY = scrollView_.contentOffset.y;
CGFloat contentHeight = scrollView_.contentSize.height;
if (currentOffSetY < (contentHeight / 8.0)) {
scrollView_.contentOffset = CGPointMake(currentOffsetX,(currentOffSetY + (contentHeight/2)));
if (currentOffSetY > ((contentHeight * 6)/ 8.0)) {
scrollView_.contentOffset = CGPointMake(currentOffsetX,(currentOffSetY - (contentHeight/2)));
PS - NT Time Table (Lite) というアプリの 1 つでこのコードを使用しました。プレビューが必要な場合は、アプリをチェックアウトできます: https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/nt-time-table-lite/id528213278?mt=8
テーブルが短すぎる場合がある場合は、上記のメソッドの最初に if ロジックを追加して、たとえばデータ数が 9 未満の場合にメソッドを終了できます。