私のアプリケーションでは、UIScrollViewとともに4ページのページングの概念を使用しています。正常に動作していますが、問題は 1です。1 ページ目で2ページ目(一部)、2ページ目で3ページ目(一部)、3ページ目で4ページ目(一部)を表示したい。

2. これで、1ページ目に移動したい場合は、1ページ目から2ページ目、2ページ目から3ページ目、3ページ目から4ページ目に移動できます。つまり、4-3-2-1のようにページを移動する必要がありますが、1のように循環的にページを移動したいのです。 -2-3-4-1-2-3-.....そのように


    NSMutableArray *controllers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kNumberOfPages; i++)
    [controllers addObject:[NSNull null]];
self.viewControllers = controllers;

// a page is the width of the scroll view
scrollView.pagingEnabled = YES;
scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(scrollView.frame.size.width * kNumberOfPages, 1);
scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = NO;
scrollView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = NO;
scrollView.scrollsToTop = NO;
scrollView.delegate = self;

pageControl.numberOfPages = kNumberOfPages;
pageControl.currentPage = 0;

// pages are created on demand
// load the visible page
// load the page on either side to avoid flashes when the user starts scrolling
[self loadScrollViewWithPage:0];
[self loadScrollViewWithPage:1];


- (void)loadScrollViewWithPage:(int)page {
if (page < 0) return;
if (page >= kNumberOfPages) return;

// replace the placeholder if necessary
WhatsNewViewConroller *controller = [viewControllers objectAtIndex:page];
if ((NSNull *)controller == [NSNull null]) {
    controller = [[WhatsNewViewConroller alloc] initWithPageNumber:page];
    [viewControllers replaceObjectAtIndex:page withObject:controller];
    controller.delegateController = self;

// add the controller's view to the scroll view
if (nil == controller.view.superview) {
    CGRect frame = scrollView.frame;
    frame.origin.x = frame.size.width * page;
    frame.origin.y = 0;
    controller.view.frame = frame;
    [scrollView addSubview:controller.view];


- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)sender {
// We don't want a "feedback loop" between the UIPageControl and the scroll delegate in
// which a scroll event generated from the user hitting the page control triggers updates from
// the delegate method. We use a boolean to disable the delegate logic when the page control is used.
if (pageControlUsed) {
    // do nothing - the scroll was initiated from the page control, not the user dragging

// Switch the indicator when more than 50% of the previous/next page is visible
CGFloat pageWidth = scrollView.frame.size.width;
int page = floor((scrollView.contentOffset.x - pageWidth / 2) / pageWidth) + 1;
pageControl.currentPage = page;

// load the visible page and the page on either side of it (to avoid flashes when the user starts scrolling)
[self loadScrollViewWithPage:page - 1];
[self loadScrollViewWithPage:page];
[self loadScrollViewWithPage:page + 1];

// A possible optimization would be to unload the views+controllers which are no longer visible



- (IBAction)changePage:(id)sender {
int page = pageControl.currentPage;

// load the visible page and the page on either side of it (to avoid flashes when the user starts scrolling)
[self loadScrollViewWithPage:page - 1];
[self loadScrollViewWithPage:page];
[self loadScrollViewWithPage:page + 1];

// update the scroll view to the appropriate page
CGRect frame = scrollView.frame;
frame.origin.x = frame.size.width * page;
frame.origin.y = 0;
[scrollView scrollRectToVisible:frame animated:YES];

// Set the boolean used when scrolls originate from the UIPageControl. See scrollViewDidScroll: above.
pageControlUsed = YES;





1 に答える 1


page-1、page、および page+1 を使用する代わりに、新しいページをロードする場合。(page -1)%4 、 page%4 、および (page+1)%4 を使用

于 2012-05-02T07:27:24.673 に答える