//some code
if (use_option1 == true)
foreach (ListViewItem item in listView1)
//1. get subitems into a List<string>
//2. process the result using many lines of code
else if (use_option2 = true)
//1. get a string from another List<string>
//2. process the result using many lines of code
//1. get a string from another List<string> (2)
//2. process the result using many lines of code
//some code
if (use_option1 == true)
List<string> result = get_item();//get subitems into a List<string>
else if (use_option2 = true)
//get a string from another List<string>
//get a string from another List<string> (2)
//process the result using many lines of code
private void get_item()
//foreach bla bla
リスト内の次のアイテムを毎回取得するように get_item 関数を作成するにはどうすればよいですか?
GetEnumerator について何か読んだことがありますが、これが問題の解決策なのか、それとも使用方法なのかわかりません。