次のクラスを使用しました。Runnable のリストを取得し、それらすべてを並行して実行します。1 つが失敗すると、他のすべてを中断します。次に、プロデューサーとコンシューマーで割り込み処理を行い、中断されたときに正常に終了します。
// helper class that does the following
// if any thread has an exception then interrupt all the others with an eye to cancelling them
// if the thread calling execute() is interrupted then interrupt all the child threads
public class LinkedExecutor
private final Collection<Runnable> runnables;
private final String name;
public LinkedExecutor( String name, Collection<Runnable> runnables )
this.runnables = runnables;
this.name = name;
public void execute()
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool( ConfigurableThreadFactory.newWithPrefix( name ) );
// use a completion service to poll the results
CompletionService<Object> completionService = new ExecutorCompletionService<Object>( executorService );
for ( Runnable runnable : runnables )
completionService.submit( runnable, null );
for ( int i = 0; i < runnables.size(); i++ )
Future<?> future = completionService.take();
catch ( InterruptedException e )
// on an interruption of this thread interrupt all sub-threads in the executor
throw new RuntimeException( "Executor '" + name + "' interrupted", e );
catch ( ExecutionException e )
// on a failure of any of the sub-threads interrupt all the threads
throw new RuntimeException( "Execution execution in executor '" + name + "'", e );