または、JavaScript スタイルの継承に慣れていて、型チェックが失われても構わない場合は、次のようにします。
<? //PHP 5.4+
final class ExpandoLookalike {
//Allow callable properties to be executed
public function __call($name, $arguments) {
\call_user_func_array($this->$name, $arguments);
$newBaseModule = static function(){
$base = new ExpandoLookalike();
//Common base functions get assigned here.
$basePrivateVar = 42;
$base->commonFunction = static function($params1, $params2) use ($basePrivateVar){
echo "common function\n";
$base->comment = static function() use ($basePrivateVar){
echo "Doing base comment with $basePrivateVar\n";
return $base;
//Javascript-style extends
$newAdminModule = static function($param) use ($newBaseModule){
$base = $newBaseModule();
$privateVar = 5;
$base->adminProperty = 60;
$base->suspendSite = static function() use ($param, $privateVar){
echo 'Doing admin only function ';
echo "with $param, $privateVar\n";
return $base;
$newPublicModule = static function() use ($newBaseModule){
$base = $newBaseModule();
$privateVar = 3;
//Javascript-style overloading
$oldComment = $base->comment;
$base->comment = static function($data) use ($oldComment, $privateVar){
echo 'Doing public function ';
echo "with $data\n";
return $base;
$baseModule = $newBaseModule();
$adminModule = $newAdminModule('P');
$publicModule = $newPublicModule();
$adminModule->suspendSite(); //echos 'Doing admin only function with P, 5'
echo "{$adminModule->adminProperty}\n"; //echos '60'
$publicModule->comment('com'); //echos 'Doing base comment with 42'
//'Doing public function with com'
<? //PHP 5.4+
$inheritAllTheThings = static function(){
$base = new ExpandoLookalike();
foreach(\func_get_args() as $object){
foreach($object as $key => $value){
//Properties from later objects overwrite properties from earlier ones.
$base->$key = $value;
return $base;
$allOfEm = $inheritAllTheThings(
['anotherProp' => 69,]
$allOfEm->comment('f'); //echos 'Doing base comment with 42'
//Because AdminModule came after PublicModule, the function that echos 'f'
//from PublicModule was overridden by the function from AdminModule.
//Hence, order denotes resolutions for multiple inheritance collisions.
$allOfEm->suspendSite(); //echos 'Doing admin only function with Q, 5'
echo $allOfEm->anotherProp . "\n"; //echos '69'