私の StringHelper クラスには、TrimStart、TrimEnd、StripBrackets などの便利なメソッドがあります。
//'Removes the start part of the string, if it is matchs, otherwise leave string unchanged
//NOTE:case-sensitive, if want case-incensitive, change ToLower both parameters before call
public static string TrimStart(this string str, string sStartValue)
if (str.StartsWith(sStartValue))
str = str.Remove(0, sStartValue.Length);
return str;
// 'Removes the end part of the string, if it is matchs, otherwise leave string unchanged
public static string TrimEnd(this string str, string sEndValue)
if (str.EndsWith(sEndValue))
str = str.Remove(str.Length - sEndValue.Length, sEndValue.Length);
return str;
// 'StripBrackets checks that starts from sStart and ends with sEnd (case sensitive).
// 'If yes, than removes sStart and sEnd.
// 'Otherwise returns full string unchanges
// 'See also MidBetween
public static string StripBrackets(this string str, string sStart, string sEnd)
if (StringHelper.CheckBrackets(str, sStart, sEnd))
str = str.Substring(sStart.Length, (str.Length - sStart.Length) - sEnd.Length);
return str;