私の質問は、これらの種類のタイトなループをプロファイリングして、どこが遅いかを判断するためのツールは何ですか?Sleepy、Windows Performance Analyzerはすべて、どのメソッド/関数が遅いかを特定することに重点を置いています。私はすでにどの関数が遅いかを知っています、私はそれを最適化する方法を理解する必要があります。
void BGR2YUV(IplImage* bgrImg, IplImage* yuvImg)
const int height = bgrImg->height;
const int width = bgrImg->width;
const int step = bgrImg->widthStep;
const int channels = bgrImg->nChannels;
assert(channels == 3);
assert(bgrImg->height == yuvImg->height);
assert(bgrImg->width == yuvImg->width);
// for reasons that are not clear to me, these are not the same.
// Code below has been modified to reflect this fact, but if they
// could be the same, the code below gets sped up a bit.
// assert(bgrImg->widthStep == yuvImg->widthStep);
assert(bgrImg->nChannels == yuvImg->nChannels);
const uchar* bgr = (uchar*) bgrImg->imageData;
uchar* yuv = (uchar*) yuvImg->imageData;
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
const int ixBGR = i*step+j*channels;
const int b = (int) bgr[ixBGR+0];
const int g = (int) bgr[ixBGR+1];
const int r = (int) bgr[ixBGR+2];
const int y = (int) (0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b);
const double di = 0.596 * r - 0.274 * g - 0.322 * b;
const double dq = 0.211 * r - 0.523 * g + 0.312 * b;
// Do some shifting and trimming to get i & q to fit into uchars.
const int iv = (int) (128 + max(-128.0, min(127.0, di)));
const int q = (int) (128 + max(-128.0, min(127.0, dq)));
const int ixYUV = i*yuvImg->widthStep + j*channels;
yuv[ixYUV+0] = (uchar)y;
yuv[ixYUV+1] = (uchar)iv;
yuv[ixYUV+2] = (uchar)q;