I have a web application which basically process entries of the user when the commandButton is hit, then receives a response/result message of the transaction and should be displayed in another JSF page.

Here's a sample what I want to do: I'm using JSF2 and primefaces

registration.xhtml - starting point for the transaction

RegistrationBean - backing bean used by registration.xhtml - has the "create" (also processes the data entered and supposedly sets up the ResultBean) method invoked via the commanButton on registration.xhtml then return string for navigation (to result.xhtml)

result.xhtml - result UI of the transaction

ResultBean - holds values needed by the result.xhtml

I've been searching for samples over the internet and seem can't find one. Is there a way to accomplish this? And if none, maybe a workaround? I'm a beginner using this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! See below for sample code.


<h:form style="position: absolute" id="basicPartyRegistration">
    <h:commandButton id="createButton1"  action="#{partyRegistration.create}" value="Create">
    <h:button outcome="welcome" value="Main Page" id="mainPageButton" />
<br />
    <p:panelGrid columns="2">
    <h:outputText value="Receiver:" />
    <h:inputText id="receiver"
        size="15" maxlength="13" />
    <h:outputText value="TransmittingData:" />
    <h:inputText id="transmittingDataPool"
        size="15" maxlength="13" />
    <h:outputText value="PartyData:" />
    <h:inputText id="partyData"
         size="15" maxlength="13" />



@ManagedBean (name = "partyRegistration")
@viewScoped //Changed to @ConversationScoped
public class RegistrationBean implements Serializable{
    private String receiver
    private String transmittingData;
    private String partyDataPool;
    @ManagedProperty (value = "resultBean")
    private Result result;
    // more variables
    //public getters and setters

    public String create(){
       // do some processing
       // some magic way to set RESULT bean to be used in the next page
       return "result";


<h:form style="position: absolute" id="partyRegistrationResponse">
<h:button outcome="welcome" value="Main Page" id="mainPageButton" />
<p:panelGrid columns="4">
    <h:outputText value="Last Date Changed: " />
    <p:inputText id="lastDateChg" value="#{partyResponse.lastChangedDateItem}"
        title="Last Date Changed" size="15" >

<h4>Response Identification</h4>


@ManagedBean (name = "partyResponse")
@ViewScoped //changed to @ConversationScoped
public Class ResultBean implements Serializable{
    private Date lastChangedDateItem;
    //more variables
    //getters and setters



2 に答える 2




FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getFlash().putNow("partyResponse", resultBean);


于 2012-05-10T10:53:32.407 に答える

If you only need the simple String, why not using FacesMessage?

public String create(){
       .addMessage(null, new FacesMessage("Add your message here"));
    return "result";

and in your result.xhtml use the <h:messages> tag:

<h4>Response Identification</h4>

Otherwise if you would need more than the result message you should really think over your design and put the ResultBean in a broader scope (conversation or session).

For example with a session scoped bean that holds the current result:

public Class SessionBean
  private Result currentResult;
  // getter and setter

and in your registration bean:

// inject the session scoped bean
private SessionBean sessionBean;

public String create(){
  return "result";
于 2012-05-10T11:00:09.140 に答える