static bool t72CalculateRMDMethodResult( const double AccountBalanceAtSetup,
const long ClientCurrentAge,
const char Frequency,
double * pRMDMethodResult,
IRSLookupTable & LookupTable)
class IRSLookupTable
struct IRSLookupTableRow
unsigned int Key;
double Value;
IRSLookupTable( const char * pFilename );
IRSLookupTable( const struct IRSLookupTableRow Table[], const unsigned int NumEntries );
virtual ~IRSLookupTable();
bool LookupValueByKey(const unsigned int Key, double * Value);
virtual bool ParseLine( char * Buffer, unsigned int * Key, double * Value);
bool IsInitialized();
typedef map <unsigned int, double> IRSLookupTableData;
IRSLookupTableData m_IRSTableData;
bool m_bInitialized;
以下は、c#でc ++ dll関数を呼び出した方法ですが、それが正しいかどうかわからず、dll関数に入ることができません
[DllImport("t72CalculatorDLL.dll", ExactSpelling = true, EntryPoint = "t72CalculateRMDMethodResult")]
public static extern bool t72CalculateRMDMethodResult(double AccountBalanceAtSetup, int ClientCurrentAge, char Frequency, double* pRMDMethodResult, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] ref IRSLookupTable LookupTable);
public unsafe class IRSLookupTable
public struct IRSLookupTableRow
public uint Key;
public double Value;
public IRSLookupTable()
m_bInitialized = true;
public IRSLookupTable(char* pFilename)
// uint Key;
// double Value;
// m_bInitialized = false;
// Debug.Assert( pFilename );
// if (pFilename ==null )
// // return without setting the flag to true
// return;
//// open the file
//std::ifstream InputFile(pFilename);
//if ( ! InputFile )
// // return without setting the flag to true
// return;
//while ( InputFile.getline( &gTmpBuffer[0], BUFFERSIZE) )
// if ( ! ParseLine( gTmpBuffer, &Key, &Value ) )
// {
// m_IRSTableData[Key] = Value;
// }
// else
// {
// // return without setting the flag to true
// return;
// }
//m_bInitialized = true;
public IRSLookupTable(IRSLookupTableRow* Table, uint NumEntries)
m_bInitialized = false;
for (uint i = 0; i < NumEntries; i++)
m_IRSTableData[Table[i].Key] = Table[i].Value;
m_bInitialized = true;
~IRSLookupTable() { }
public bool LookupValueByKey(uint Key, double* Value) { return true; }
public virtual bool ParseLine(char* Buffer, uint* Key, double* Value) { return true; }
public bool IsInitialized() { return true; }
private SortedDictionary<uint, double> m_IRSTableData;
private bool m_bInitialized;