はい。これは英国の郵便番号のように見えるため、郵便番号を GPS 座標 (経度と緯度) にマップする別のテーブルが必要です。ここから入手できます。http://jamiethompson.co.uk/web/2008/07/24/full-uk-postcode-database-for-free/ (他の場所にもあるかもしれません。http://www.freepostcodes.org をチェックしてください。英国/ )
次に、SQL で「選択」を実行し、2 つのテーブルを結合して、SQL で実行できる距離を計算する必要があります。「SQRT(POWER(Long1 - long2,2) + POWER(Lat1 - Lat2,2))」でおおよその距離がわかります。警告: これは行ごとに計算する必要があるため、可能な結果を Long+-range、Lat+-range に制限してください。
正確な距離を取得するには、少しトリグが必要です。最近のアプリで同様の機能を使用した関数を次に示します。これを操作して機能させたり、SQL クエリに組み込んだりすることもできます。
function CalculateDistance($Longitude1, $Latitude1, $Longitude2, $Latitude2) {
// Not perfect for curvature of earth on the diaganol, but it's close enough ;)
$LatDiff = abs($Latitude1 - $Latitude2);
$LongDiff = abs($Longitude1 - $Longitude2);
// Convert to meters - 1 deg latitude = 111.12km
$mLatDiff = $LatDiff * 0.11112;
$mLongDiff = $LongDiff * 0.11112 * cos(($Latitude1 + $Latitude2) / 2);
// Work out difference.
$Diff = sqrt( ($mLatDiff * $mLatDiff) + ($mLongDiff * $mLongDiff) );
return $Diff;
$UserPostcode = "AB1 2FG";
// Find the Long/Lat of the user (you don;t have to do this, but it saves a lot of DB stress)
// Postcodes is the table that links users to postcodes
$sql = 'SELECT long, lat FROM postcodes WHERE postcode="' . mysql_real_escape_string($UserPostcode) .'"';
// ... Missing a few lines of check row exists, error reporting etc
$UserLat = $row['lat'];
$UserLong = $row['long'];
// Next, come up with an acceptable range so as not to over-stress the DB:
// What are the acceptable limits?
// 1 deg latitude = 111.12km
// LATITUDE: 1km = 1/111.2 degrees of latitude = 0.0089992800575953923686105111591073
// LONGITUDE: 1km = 1/(111.2 * cos(LATITUDE))
$RangeLat = 8 * 1/111.2; // For 8km = 5 miles. Work out what you want here, the larger = more DB stress
$RangeLong = 8 * 1/(111.2 * cos(deg2rad($UserLat)); // For 8km = 5 miles. Work out what you want here, the larger = more DB stress
// Now the query you want.
// You'll need to change this to get restauants by group, but this gives you the essence of what you need:
$sql = 'SELECT r.restaurant_id, r.OtherDetails, r.postcode,
p.lat, p.long,
SQRT(POWER(p.lat-'.$UserLat.',2) + POWER(p.long-'.$UserLong.',2)) AS distance
FROM resturants r
LEFT JOIN postcodes p ON r.postcode=p.postcode
WHERE p.lat >='.($UserLat - $RangeLat).' AND p.lat <='.($UserLat + $RangeLat).' AND p.long>='.($UserLong-$RangeLong).' AND p.long>='.($UserLong+$RangeLong).'
ORDER BY SQRT(POWER(p.lat-'.$UserLat.',2) + POWER(p.long-'.$UserLong.',2)) ASC';
if (!$result = mysql_query($sql)) { ExitError(4, $sql . '<br />' . mysql_error()); }
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
// This is where you can count the 4 in each category, and disregard if you get more that 4.
// If you get less than 4, offer to expand the range - or stick in a loop and do it automatically.
// Also for efficienty, I'd suggest you remove the "distance" calculation from the SQL and use the function above
// The function above it more accurate as it users cosine. Then simply sort by distance here instead on in SQL.
// Also note the above function is written for the northern hemisphere. Also won't work across the date line ;)
// But that shouldn't be a worry.
しかし - 1 つのクエリで実行できますか: 確かに、SQL サーバーをダウンさせたい場合は
$sql = 'SELECT r.restaurant_id, r.OtherDetails, r.postcode,
p.lat, p.long,
SQRT(POWER(p.lat-p2.lat,2) + POWER(p.long-p2.long,2)) AS distance
FROM resturants r
LEFT JOIN postcodes p ON r.postcode=p.postcode
LEFT JOIN postcodes p2 ON p2.postcode="' . mysql_real_escape_string($UserPostcode) .'"
ORDER BY SQRT(POWER(p.lat-p2.lat,2) + POWER(p.long-p2.long,2)) ASC';
// もしあなたがそのルートに行き、超高精度が必要なら、そこに COS を入れる方法を考えさせます :)。必要な mySQL 関数は RADIANS() と COS() です