package hompage
import logindetails.*
import login.User
import grails.plugins.springsecurity.Secured;
class RedirectController
def springSecurityService
def index() { }
* This method will redirect the user if it has the role "ROLE_ADMIN"
def adminhomepage =
render(view: "adminhome")
* This method will redirect the user if it has the role "ROLE_USER"
def userhomepage=
render(view: "userhome")
私は netbeans IDE を使用していますが、import import grails.plugins.springsecurity.Securedの警告が表示されます (Java コードで一般的に表示される赤い感嘆符のように)。
unable to resolve class grails.plugins.springsecurity.Secured @ line 5, column 1.