help format-listformat-listのヘルプを出力します。

format-list | helpヘルプのヘルプを出力します(get-help)。


2 に答える 2


| または「パイプ」演算子は、ある操作の出力を別の操作にリダイレクトします。したがって、この場合はformat-listを呼び出し、その出力をパラメーターとしてリダイレクトして支援します。ヘルプはそのパラメーターをどう処理するかわからないため、デフォルトの動作になります(ヘルプのヘルプ)。

于 2012-05-16T21:01:56.730 に答える

Help is a function that essentially redirects to:

Get-Help command | more

If you look at this function's definition, you will see that it accepts a positional argument tagged with ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName with an argument of Name.

PS ~\> Get-Content function:help

    [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]

    # Other arguments deleted for brevity


      Get-Help @PSBoundParameters | more

This basically means, if it sees an argument with a property called Name, it binds that as an input parameter. So, when you do:

format-list | help

the format-list command is run (and nothing is returned), so the help function thinks it received no arguments.

When you do:

"format-list" | help

You are passing a string argument. The string type does not have a Name prooperty, so you'll get an error message saying that it can't bind the arguments. However, if you tried:

PS ~\> get-command format-list

CommandType     Name                Definition
-----------     ----                ----------
Cmdlet          Format-List         Format-List [[-Property] <Object[]>] [-GroupBy <...

you can see the the command format-list does have a Name property, so if you tried

get-command format-list | help

You get the help for format-list.

于 2012-05-17T00:49:56.863 に答える