3 tables
table: people
id name
1 john
2 Mike
3 Sam
4 Andy
table goods:
g_id g_name g_class
1 sugar food
2 salt food
3 boat transp
4 house habitation
5 car transp
table goods_owned:
go_id person_id good_id
1 3 3
2 3 1
3 3 5
4 2 4
5 1 2
Now when i select
SELCT people.id, people.name, goods.name
FROM people
LEFT JOIN goods_owned ON goods_owned.person_id = people.id
LEFT JOIN goods ON goods.g_id = goods_owned.good_id
WHERE people.id = 3
Then in response it duplicates entry's from table "people":
1, Mike, boat
1, Mike, sugar
1, Mike, car
Is there way to build request to get:
1, Mike, boat, sugar, car