I was using a callback mechanism to grab the webcam frames in my media application. It worked, but was slow due to certain additional buffer functions that were performed within the callback itself.

Now I am trying the other way to get frames. That is, call a method and grab the frame (instead of callback). I used a sample in CodeProject which makes use of IVMRWindowlessControl9::GetCurrentImage.

I encountered the following issues.

  1. In a Microsoft webcam, the Preview didn't render (only black screen) on Windows 7. But the same camera rendered Preview on XP.

Here my doubt is, will the VMR specific functionalities be dependent on camera drivers on different platforms? Otherwise, how could this difference happen?

  1. Wherever the sample application worked, I observed that the biBitCount member of the resulting BITMAPINFOHEADER structure is 32.

Is this a value set by application or a driver setting for VMR operations? How is this configured? Finally, which is the best method to grab the webcam frames? A callback approach? Or a Direct approach?

Thanks in advance,


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于 2012-05-17T07:14:46.513 に答える