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      <p style="color:#333;font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;padding:0 0px 9px 0px;">UMBC is proud of all of our graduates. On May 18 and 21, the University awards nearly 1,700 bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D. degrees at its Graduate School and Undergraduate Commencement ceremonies. Meet a few of our exceptional students and discover what the future has in store for the Class of 2012.</p>
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          <p style="padding-bottom:7px;text-align:center;color:#000;margin-top:0;">    <strong>VALEDICTORIAN</strong></p>
          <a href="bios.html#MCole"><img src="images/student_pics/MaryCole.jpg" width="200" alt="Mary Cole" /></a>
        <p><strong>Mary Elizabeth Cole</strong><br>
        Anthropology &amp; Biological Sciences</p>
        <p><em>Here I am standing at the highest point of Bodiam Castle in East Sussex, England. I loved travelling to cultural sites during my study abroad experience.</em></p>
        <p><a href="bios.html#MCole">Read Bio</a></p>
        <p><a href="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WG4B9e7A5pA" target="_blank"><img src="images/video_icon2.png" height="29" border="0" alt="Watch video &gt;"></a></p>


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        <h3>Mary Elizabeth Cole</h3>

<p style="color:#333;"><strong>Plans: Ph.D., Biological Anthropology, The Ohio State University</strong><br>

B.A., Cultural Anthropology; B.S., Biological Sciences<br>

<em>Summa Cum Laude</em><br>

Hometown: Hanover, Maryland</p>

<p>Mary Elizabeth Cole, valedictorian of UMBC’s class of 2012, is a true Renaissance scholar. She is a Humanities Scholar double-majoring in cultural anthropology and biology who has shined in both fields. Mary Beth has sought out a range of research opportunities at UMBC, gaining early experience in UMBC’s Ecology and Evolution Lab. This prepared her for more independent research at the National Institutes of Health. She later completed archaeological field and lab work at colonial and prehistoric American Indian sites in southern Maryland. Mary Beth creatively wove together her interests in cultural anthropology and biology through study abroad at the University of Kent in Canterbury, England, where she completed human osteology coursework to prepare for graduate school. She has been awarded a fellowship for the biological anthropology Ph.D. program at The Ohio State University, which focuses on the history and patterns of disease as discerned through skeletal remains. In addition to pursuing an academic career, Mary Beth hopes to assist military and archaeological groups on post-conflict skeletal recovery. Mary Beth has given back to her community by helping with local speech and debate tournaments for home-schooled teens; tutoring students in chemistry, math and SAT preparation; and participating in Scholar Selection Day and other prospective student events at UMBC.</p>

<p><em>"At prospective student events I attended, Dr. Hrabowski promised that as long as we worked hard to pursue our dreams, UMBC would do everything possible to transform our efforts into our successes. Throughout my four years, I have seen this university fulfill and exceed that promise in every way possible. The anthropology department, despite its small size, has recruited some of the most intelligent, insightful and encouraging minds in the country. My mentors there provided the education, guidance and endless recommendations that pointed me towards my dream of becoming a biological anthropologist. The biology department provided the coursework and experience that I needed to secure lab experience at UMBC and then NIH. Without these stepping stones to my NIH internship, I would not have discovered the bone histology that I hope to pursue in my doctoral program.” </em>

<p><iframe width="530" height="298" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WG4B9e7A5pA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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        <<img src="images/photos/RobertWardlow.jpg" width="240" alt="Robert Wardlow, Salutatorian" >
        <h3>Robert  Douglass Wardlow II</h3>
<p style="color:#333;"><strong>Plans: M.D./Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University</strong><br>
B.S., Biochemistry & Molecular Biology<br>
<em>Summa Cum Laude</em><br>
Hometown: Cherry Hill, New Jersey</p>

<p>As the salutatorian of the class of 2012, Robert Wardlow’s career at UMBC has been full of accomplishments. A Meyerhoff Scholar, Barry M. Goldwater Scholar, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Scholar and Rhodes Scholarship finalist, he has presented his research at 12 conferences and symposia, earning numerous awards. Robert’s research focuses on chemical signaling of heart cells and the potential of certain stem cells for providing therapeutic benefits for damaged cells. Excellence in scholarship is intimately connected to community service for Robert. He co-founded the student group Men Achieving Leadership, Excellence and Success (MALES) to promote community activism, leadership and academic excellence. Robert’s accomplishments have earned him admission into the Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi and Golden Key International honor societies, and he received the HHMI Gilliam Fellowship for Advanced Study.</p>

<p><em>“UMBC has provided an environment rich in resources that has helped me to develop to a level far beyond what I could have originally expected. I was able to display tremendous personal growth over the course of my time here both academically and socially. Courses were challenging, but the school offered more than enough support in terms of tutoring and advising to help me best deal with the load. I had numerous chances to further my research career by gaining experience in research labs both in the area and around the country. I have made friends here that will hopefully last long in to the future as well as meeting mentors that will continue to guide me in the right direction. UMBC has helped me in all facets of my personal and professional development and I hope that I will be able to give back to the school in some capacity in the future.”&lt;/em></p>

<p><iframe width="530" height="298" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/BJXAazzRP10" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



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