void *printme(void *id) {
int *i;
i = (int *)id;
printf("Hi. I'm thread %d\n", *i);
return NULL;
void main() {
int i, vals[4];
pthread_t tids[4];
void *retval;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
vals[i] = i;
pthread_create(tids+i, NULL, printme, vals+i);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
printf("Trying to join with tid%d\n", i);
pthread_join(tids[i], &retval);
printf("Joined with tid%d\n", i);
Trying to join with tid0
Hi. I'm thread 0
Hi. I'm thread 1
Hi. I'm thread 2
Hi. I'm thread 3
Joined with tid0
Trying to join with tid1
Joined with tid1
Trying to join with tid2
Joined with tid2
Trying to join with tid3
Joined with tid3
そして、私はそれがどのように可能であるかを理解していません。メイン スレッドから始めて、4 つのスレッドを作成しますtids[0]... tids[3]
。次に、(join 命令によって) 実行を一時停止します。メイン スレッドはtids[0]
Hi. I'm thread 0
Hi. I'm thread 1
Hi. I'm thread 2
Hi. I'm thread 3
Trying to join with tid0
Trying to join with tid1
Joined with tid0
Trying to join with tid2
Joined with tid1
Trying to join with tid3
Joined with tid2
Joined with tid3