すでに最大数の列があり、それらがすでにリストに分割されていると仮定すると(これを独自のリストに入れると仮定します)、 list.insert(-1,item) を使用できるはずです空の列を追加するには:
def columnize(mylists, maxcolumns):
for i in mylists:
while len(i) < maxcolumns:
mylists = [["author1","author2","author3","this is the title of the article"],
["author1","author2","this is the title of the article"],
["author1","author2","author3","author4","this is the title of the article"]]
print mylists
[['author1', 'author2', 'author3', None, 'this is the title of the article'], ['author1', 'author2', None, None, 'this is the title of the article'], ['author1', 'author2', 'author3', 'author4', 'this is the title of the article']]
def columnize(mylists, maxcolumns):
return [j[:-1]+([None]*(maxcolumns-len(j)))+j[-1:] for j in mylists]
print columnize(mylists,5)
[['author1', 'author2', 'author3', None, 'this is the title of the article'], ['author1', 'author2', None, None, 'this is the title of the article'], ['author1', 'author2', 'author3', 'author4', 'this is the title of the article']]