アラビア語の UNICODE 基本ゾーンの一部のテキストを UNICODE 拡散エリア コードに変換するという問題に遭遇しましたが、成功しませんでした。
header("content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
mb_http_output( "UTF-8" );
function Un2k($Un){
$Uk[0] ="چېتيڭپسىقكلشغبنمفگخجروۈزۋداەژۆۇﻻﺋھ";
$Uk[1] = "ﭺﯥﺕﻱﯓﭖﺱﻯﻕﻙﻝﺵﻍﺏﻥﻡﻑﮒﺥﺝﺭﻭﯛﺯﯞﺩﺍﻩﮊﯙﯗﻻ∥∥";
$Uk[2] = "ﭼﯦﺗﻳﯕﭘﺳﯨﻗﻛﻟﺷﻏﺑﻧﻣﻓﮔﺧﺟ∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥ﺋﮬ";
$Uk[3] = "ﭻﯥﺖﻲﯔﭗﺲﻰﻖﻚﻞﺶﻎﺐﻦﻢﻒﮓﺦﺞﺮﻮﯜﺰﯟﺪﺎﻪﮋﯚﯘﻼ∥∥";
$Uk[4] = "ﭽﯧﺘﻴﯖﭙﺴﯩﻘﻜﻠﺸﻐﺒﻨﻤﻔﮕﺨຠ∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥ﺌﮭ";
$Un2K1 = "";
$i ;
$ix ;
$s ;
$s_ ;
$_s ;
$L ;
$_ix ;
$ix_ ;
$_TF ;
$TF_ ;
$L = mb_strlen($Un,"utf8");
for ($i=1;$i<$L;$i++){
$s = mb_substr($Un, $i, 1,"utf8");
if($i!=$L){ $s_ = mb_substr($Un, $i + 1, 1,"utf8");}else{$s_="";}
if($i>1){ $_s = mb_substr($Un, $i - 1, 1,"utf8");}else{$_s="";}
$ix = mb_strpos($Uk[0], $s);
if($i!=$L){$ix_ = mb_strpos($Uk[0], $s_);}else{$ix_="";}
if($i>1){$_ix = mb_strpos($Uk[0], $_s);}else{$_ix="";}
if($_ix == 0 or mb_strpos("روۈزۋداەژۆۇ", $_s) != 0){
$_TF = false;
}elseif(mb_substr($Uk[2], $_ix, 1,"utf8") != "." or mb_substr($Uk[4], $_ix, 1,"utf8") != "."){
$_TF = true;
$TF_ = false;
}elseif(mb_substr($Uk[3], $ix_, 1,"utf8") != "." or mb_substr($Uk[4], $ix_, 1,"utf8") != "."){
$_TF = true;
if(mb_strpos("چېتيڭپسىقكلشغبنمفگخج", $s) != 0){
if($_TF == false and $TF_ == false){
$Un2K1 = $Un2K1.mb_substr($Uk[1], $ix, 1,"utf8");
}elseif($_TF == true and $TF_ == false){
$Un2K1 = $Un2K1.mb_substr($Uk[3], $ix, 1,"utf8");
}elseif($_TF == false and $TF_ == true){
$Un2K1 = $Un2K1.mb_substr($Uk[2], $ix, 1,"utf8");
}elseif(mb_strpos("روۈزۋداەژۆۇ", $s) != 0){
if($_TF == false){
$Un2K1 = $Un2K1.mb_substr($Uk[1], $ix, 1,"utf8");
}elseif($_TF == true){
$Un2K1 = $Un2K1.mb_substr($Uk[3], $ix, 1,"utf8");
if($TF_ == false){
$Un2K1 = $Un2K1.mb_substr($Uk[4], $ix, 1,"utf8");
}elseif($TF_ == true){
$Un2K1 = $Un2K1.mb_substr($Uk[2], $ix, 1,"utf8");
$Un2K1 = $Un2K1.$s;
$Un2K1 = str_ireplace("ﻟﺎ", "ﻻ",$Un2K1);
$Un2K1 = str_ireplace("(", "<!>",$Un2K1);
$Un2K1 = str_ireplace(")", "(",$Un2K1);
$Un2K1 = str_ireplace("<!>", ")",$Un2K1);
$Un2K1 = str_ireplace("«", "<!>",$Un2K1);
$Un2K1 = str_ireplace("»", "«",$Un2K1);
$Un2K1 = str_ireplace("<!>", "»",$Un2K1);
$Un2K1 = str_ireplace("", "",$Un2K1);
$Un2K1 = str_ireplace("", "",$Un2K1);
//$Un2K1 = santatur2($Un2K1);
return $Un2K1;
function santatur2($str) {
$len = mb_strlen($str, 'UTF-8');
$string = '';
for ($i = $len - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$string .= mb_substr($str, $i, 1, 'UTF-8');
return $string;
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