The QSettings documentation misleadingly suggests that the code
QSettings settings("Moose Soft", "Facturo-Pro");
is equivalent to
QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("Moose Soft");
QSettings settings;
but this is not true. Try this
from PySide import QtCore
settings = QtCore.QSettings("Moose Soft", "Facturo-Pro")
print settings.format()
settings = QtCore.QSettings()
print settings.format()
and you will see that only the second constructor uses the default format. And if you look at the QSettings constructor documentation you will see this confirmed:
QSettings settings("Moose Tech", "Facturo-Pro");
The scope is set to QSettings::UserScope, and the format is set to
QSettings.NativeFormat (i.e. calling setDefaultFormat() before calling this constructor
has no effect).
Only some of the QSettings constructors honour the default format and you have chosen one that doesn't.