I have the following database design:
Employee Table: EmployeeID, Name, OrgCode
Department Table: OrgCode, DepartName
CompleteSurvey Table: ID, RespondantID, QuestionsAnswersID
Questions Table: QuestionID, Question
Answers Table: AnswerID, Answer
QuestionsAnswers Table: ID, QuestionID, AnswerID
Each question has different multiple choices. Besides that, I am thinking to add sub-questions under the question. Most of
the questions have the same choices such as (Agree, Disagree). I want to write the query that shows the question including
its sub-questions with all of its choices and the number of participants in each choice even if it is zero.
I am not sure if the Questions Table will help me in inserting sub-questions under any question. Is that design applicable? What do you recommend?