ボタンのクリックでテーブル アダプタ画面を更新する方法はありますか。ボタンをクリックしてテーブルメソッドを再度呼び出すと、古いテーブルの下に新しいテーブルアダプター画面が追加されます.....既存の画面を更新する方法はあります.ボタンはテーブルから要素を削除した後、リフレッシュしてください。
public static void richlistshow(){
int ik = target_list.size()-1;
while(ik > 0 )
Bitmap logoBitmap = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("delete.png");
City aCity = (City)target_list.elementAt(ik);
String modelNumber = aCity.get_city_name().toString();
String modelName = " X ";
//String ne = String.valueOf(ik);
String date_time = " Date-Time";
Object[] row = {modelName, modelNumber,date_time,logoBitmap};
TableView tableView = new TableView(_tableModel);
tableView.setDataTemplateFocus(BackgroundFactory.createLinearGradientBackground(Color.YELLOWGREEN, Color.LIMEGREEN, Color.SEAGREEN, Color.SANDYBROWN));
TableController tableController = new TableController(_tableModel, tableView);
// Specify a simple data template for displaying 3 columns
DataTemplate dataTemplate = new DataTemplate(tableView, NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLUMNS)
public Field[] getDataFields(int modelRowIndex)
//final int i =modelRowIndex;
Object[] data = (Object[]) (_tableModel.getRow(modelRowIndex));
final String cname = (String)data[1];
/****** Declaring button for deletion of record from database ******/
ButtonField delete =new ButtonField("X",ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK);
/******* Setting change listener and defining field change within *******/
delete.setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener() {
/******* defining what should happen when button is clicked ********/
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
DatabaseHandler delete_row = new DatabaseHandler();
/****calling function to retrieve values from the databasse table.***/
/****************calling method again to show the updated values*************/
richlistshow();//for showing refreshed data after deletion of a record
Field[] fields = {delete, new LabelField((String) data[1]), new LabelField((String) data[2]),new BitmapField((Bitmap)data[3])};
return fields;
// Define regions and row height
dataTemplate.setRowProperties(0, new TemplateRowProperties(ROW_HEIGHT));
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_COLUMNS; i++)
dataTemplate.createRegion(new XYRect(i, 0, 1, 1));
dataTemplate.setColumnProperties(i, new TemplateColumnProperties(Display.getWidth() / NUM_COLUMNS));
// Apply the template to the view
public final static class MyCity
private String _name;
private String _datetime;
private String _button;
private Bitmap _bitmap;
MyCity(String name, String datetime, String button, Bitmap bitmap)
_name = name;
_datetime = datetime;
_button = button;
_bitmap = bitmap;
public String getName()
return _name;
public String getDatetime()
return _datetime;
public String getButton()
return _button;
public Bitmap getBitmap()
return _bitmap;
/****************TABLE CONTROLLER CLASS ******************/
private class CityTableModelAdapter extends TableModelAdapter
public int getNumberOfRows()
return _cities.size();
public int getNumberOfColumns()
protected boolean doAddRow(Object row)
Object[] arrayRow = (Object[]) row;
System.out.println("! : "+arrayRow[0]+" @: "+arrayRow[1]+" #: "+arrayRow[2]);
_cities.addElement(new MyCity((String) arrayRow[0], (String) arrayRow[1], (String) arrayRow[2], (Bitmap) arrayRow[3]));
return true;
protected Object doGetRow(int index)
MyCity mycity = (MyCity) _cities.elementAt(index);
Object[] row = {mycity.getName(),mycity.getDatetime(),mycity.getButton(),mycity.getBitmap()};
return row;