public class ValuesControllerTest
private HttpResponseMessage response;
public void Given()
var config = new HttpConfiguration
IncludeErrorDetailPolicy = IncludeErrorDetailPolicy.Always
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = typeof(ValuesController).Name.Replace("Controller", string.Empty), id = RouteParameter.Optional }
//This method will cause internal server error but NOT throw any exceptions
//Remove this call and the test will be green
var server = new HttpServer(config);
var client = new HttpClient(server);
response = client.GetAsync("http://something/api/values/5").Result;
//Here response has status code 500
private void ScanAssemblies()
PluginScanner.Scan(".\\", IsApiController);
private bool IsApiController(Type type)
return typeof (ApiController).IsAssignableFrom(type);
public void Can_GET_api_values_5()
public static class PluginScanner
public static IEnumerable<Type> Scan(string directoryToScan, Func<Type, bool> filter)
var result = new List<Type>();
var dir = new DirectoryInfo(directoryToScan);
if (!dir.Exists) return result;
foreach (var file in dir.EnumerateFiles("*.dll"))
result.AddRange(from type in Assembly.LoadFile(file.FullName).GetTypes()
where filter(type)
select type);
return result;