double lerp(double c1, double c2, double v1, double v2, double x)
if( (v1==v2) ) return c1;
double inc = ((c2-c1)/(v2 - v1)) * (x - v1);
double val = c1 + inc;
return val;
void bilinearInterpolate(int width, int height)
// if the current size is the same, do nothing
if(width == GetWidth() && height == GetHeight())
//Create a new image
std::unique_ptr<Image2D> image(new Image2D(width, height));
// x and y ratios
double rx = (double)(GetWidth()) / (double)(image->GetWidth()); // oldWidth / newWidth
double ry = (double)(GetHeight()) / (double)(image->GetHeight()); // oldWidth / newWidth
// loop through destination image
for(int y=0; y<height; ++y)
for(int x=0; x<width; ++x)
double sx = x * rx;
double sy = y * ry;
uint xl = std::floor(sx);
uint xr = std::floor(sx + 1);
uint yt = std::floor(sy);
uint yb = std::floor(sy + 1);
for (uint d = 0; d < image->GetDepth(); ++d)
uchar tl = GetData(xl, yt, d);
uchar tr = GetData(xr, yt, d);
uchar bl = GetData(xl, yb, d);
uchar br = GetData(xr, yb, d);
double t = lerp(tl, tr, xl, xr, sx);
double b = lerp(bl, br, xl, xr, sx);
double m = lerp(t, b, yt, yb, sy);
uchar val = std::floor(m + 0.5);
mWidth = width; mHeight = height;
std::swap(image->mData, mData);
入力画像 (幅と高さ 4 ピクセル)
期待される出力 (Photoshop の双一次補間)