I've been playing around with Tornado, and I've written some code that doesn't seem very nice.
I'm writing an app to store recipes as an example. These are my handlers:
handlers = [
(r"/recipes/", RecipeHandler),
(r"/recipes", RecipeSearchHandler), #so query params can be used to search
This lead me to writing this:
class RecipeHandler(RequestHandler):
def get(self):
class RecipeSearchHandler(RequestHandler):
def get(self):
name = self.get_argument('name', True)
# will do some searching
except AssertionError:
self.write("no params")
# will probably redirect to /recipes/
Is there a better way to approach these URLs without a try/except? I'd like /recipes and /recipes/ to show the same thing, whereas /recipes?name=something would do a search, and ideally be a different handler.