package issues;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.*;
public class StructureIssues {
* HashMap Attempt
HashMap<Integer, String> numberNames = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
numberNames.put(new Integer(1), "hi");// here, I have syntax errors asking me to
// delete the (), and I have misplaced
// constructs on the dot.
//When the above line didn't work, I tried creating the objects
//outside of the parameter list...
Integer one = new Integer(1);
String myString = "hi";
numberNames.put(one, myString); //here it just complains about the parenthesis
//similar results for <String,String> and generic
* ArrayList Attempt
ArrayList<String> tryStrings = new ArrayList<String>();
String tryOne = "one";
tryStrings.add(tryOne);//Syntax error on tryOne; variable declarator ID expected
//also, syntax error on the dot; misplaced constructs
ArrayList<Integer> tryInts = new ArrayList<Integer>();
tryInts.add(new Integer(4));//Syntax error on add; expected "=" after it.
//Below, I have copied two lines from Big Java by Horstmann.
//The results are the same as my first String ArrayList attempt.
ArrayList<String> friends = new ArrayList<String>();
-Eclipse Indigoを数回再インストールし、64ビットと32ビットの両方を試しました
-BlueJayで同様のコードを試したのは、別のIDEを試して、それがEclipseなのか自分のコンピューターなのかを確認したかったからです。受け取った:「識別子」が必要です。tryStrings.add( "one");を強調表示しました。