private string getListOfFileNames(DataTable listWithFileNames)
string whereClause = String.Empty;
if (listWithFileNames.Columns.Contains("Filename"))
int nthreads = 8; // You can play with this parameter to fine tune and get your best time.
int load = listWithFileNames.Rows.Count / nthreads; // This will tell how many items reach thread mush process.
List<ManualResetEvent> mres = new List<ManualResetEvent>(); // This guys will help the method to know when the work is done.
List<StringBuilder> sbuilders = new List<StringBuilder>(); // This will be used to concatenate each bis string.
for (int i = 0; i < nthreads; i++)
sbuilders.Add(new StringBuilder()); // Create a new string builder
mres.Add(new ManualResetEvent(false)); // Create a not singaled ManualResetEvent.
if (i == 0) // We know were to put the very begining of your where clause
sbuilders[0].Append("where filename in (");
// Calculate the last item to be processed by the current thread
int end = i == (nthreads - 1) ? listWithFileNames.Rows.Count : i * load + load;
// Create a new thread to deal with a part of the big table.
Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart((x) =>
// This is the inside of the thread, we must unbox the parameters
object[] vars = x as object[];
int lIndex = (int)vars[0];
int uIndex = (int)vars[1];
ManualResetEvent ev = vars[2] as ManualResetEvent;
StringBuilder sb = vars[3] as StringBuilder;
bool coma = false;
// Concatenate the rows in the string builder
for (int j = lIndex; j < uIndex; j++)
if (coma)
sb.Append(", ");
coma = true;
// Tell the parent Thread that your job is done.
// Start the thread with the calculated params
t.Start(new object[] { i * load, end, mres[i], sbuilders[i] });
// Wait for all child threads to finish their job
// Concatenate the big string.
for (int i = 1; i < nthreads; i++)
sbuilders[0].Append(", ").Append(sbuilders[i]);
sbuilders[0].Append(")"); // Close your where clause
// Return the finished where clause
return sbuilders[0].ToString();
// Returns empty
return whereClause;