Refinery に CAS 認証を追加する方法を見つけようとしています。これまでに見つけた最良の配置は、を使用することdevise_cas_authenticatableです。

私は使用rake refinery:override model=userして置き換えました:database_authenticatable

# /app/models/refinery/user.rb
if self.respond_to?(:devise)
  devise :cas_authenticatable, ...

しかし、CAS 構成値を設定する場所が見つかりません。たとえば、次のようになります。

Devise.setup do |config|
  config.cas_base_url = "https://cas.myorganization.com"

これが属する既存の初期化子があるかどうかは誰にも分かりますか? また、Refinery を CAS と連携させる作業についての考えがあれば参考になります。ありがとう!


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$ cat config/initializers/devise.rb

Devise.setup do |config|
  config.cas_base_url = "https://cas.myorganization.com"

  # you can override these if you need to, but cas_base_url is usually enough
  # config.cas_login_url = "https://cas.myorganization.com/login"
  # config.cas_logout_url = "https://cas.myorganization.com/logout"
  # config.cas_validate_url = "https://cas.myorganization.com/serviceValidate"

  # The CAS specification allows for the passing of a follow URL to be displayed when
  # a user logs out on the CAS server. RubyCAS-Server also supports redirecting to a
  # URL via the destination param. Set either of these urls and specify either nil,
  # 'destination' or 'follow' as the logout_url_param. If the urls are blank but
  # logout_url_param is set, a default will be detected for the service.
  # config.cas_destination_url = 'https://cas.myorganization.com'
  # config.cas_follow_url = 'https://cas.myorganization.com'
  # config.cas_logout_url_param = nil

  # By default, devise_cas_authenticatable will create users.  If you would rather
  # require user records to already exist locally before they can authenticate via
  # CAS, uncomment the following line.
  # config.cas_create_user = false  
于 2013-01-13T23:39:13.907 に答える