/* Sample scripts for RWD nav patterns
(c) 2012 Maggie Wachs, Filament Group, Inc - http://filamentgroup.com/examples/rwd-nav- patterns/GPL-LICENSE.txt
Last updated: March 2012
Dependencies: jQuery
// test the menu to see if all items fit horizontally
.bind('testfit', function(){
var nav = $(this),
items = nav.find('a');
// when the nav wraps under the logo, or when options are stacked, display the nav as a menu
if ( (nav.offset().top > nav.prev().offset().top) || ($(items[items.length-1]).offset().top > $(items[0]).offset().top) ) {
// add a class for scoping menu styles
// toggle the menu items' visiblity
.bind('click focus', function(){
// ...and update the nav on window events
$(window).bind('load resize orientationchange', function(){