



3 に答える 3



zxing よりもはるかに高速で、実装がはるかに簡単です。


iOS の場合:

iOS 用 (zbar.sourceforge.net/iphone) およびドキュメント (zbar.sourceforge.net/iphone/sdkdoc/install.html)

于 2012-05-29T16:21:38.083 に答える

qr リーダーを実装するために zxing をインストールする必要はありません。クラスIntentIntegrator.java と IntentResult.java ファイルを作成し、アクティビティから呼び出すだけです。



import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.AlertDialog;
import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.pm.ResolveInfo;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.util.Log;

public final class IntentIntegrator {

  public static final int REQUEST_CODE = 0x0000c0de; // Only use bottom 16 bits
  private static final String TAG = IntentIntegrator.class.getSimpleName();

  public static final String DEFAULT_TITLE = "Install Barcode Scanner?";
  public static final String DEFAULT_MESSAGE =
      "This application requires Barcode Scanner. Would you like to install it?";
  public static final String DEFAULT_YES = "Yes";
  public static final String DEFAULT_NO = "No";

  private static final String BS_PACKAGE = "com.google.zxing.client.android";

  // supported barcode formats
  public static final Collection<String> PRODUCT_CODE_TYPES = list("UPC_A", "UPC_E", "EAN_8", "EAN_13", "RSS_14");
  public static final Collection<String> ONE_D_CODE_TYPES =
      list("UPC_A", "UPC_E", "EAN_8", "EAN_13", "CODE_39", "CODE_93", "CODE_128",
           "ITF", "RSS_14", "RSS_EXPANDED");
  public static final Collection<String> QR_CODE_TYPES = Collections.singleton("QR_CODE");
  public static final Collection<String> DATA_MATRIX_TYPES = Collections.singleton("DATA_MATRIX");

  public static final Collection<String> ALL_CODE_TYPES = null;

  public static final Collection<String> TARGET_BARCODE_SCANNER_ONLY = Collections.singleton(BS_PACKAGE);
  public static final Collection<String> TARGET_ALL_KNOWN = list(
          BS_PACKAGE, // Barcode Scanner
          "com.srowen.bs.android", // Barcode Scanner+
          "com.srowen.bs.android.simple" // Barcode Scanner+ Simple
          // TODO add more -- what else supports this intent?

  private final Activity activity;
  private String title;
  private String message;
  private String buttonYes;
  private String buttonNo;
  private Collection<String> targetApplications;

  public IntentIntegrator(Activity activity) {
    this.activity = activity;
    title = DEFAULT_TITLE;
    message = DEFAULT_MESSAGE;
    buttonYes = DEFAULT_YES;
    buttonNo = DEFAULT_NO;
    targetApplications = TARGET_ALL_KNOWN;

  public String getTitle() {
    return title;

  public void setTitle(String title) {
    this.title = title;

  public void setTitleByID(int titleID) {
    title = activity.getString(titleID);

  public String getMessage() {
    return message;

  public void setMessage(String message) {
    this.message = message;

  public void setMessageByID(int messageID) {
    message = activity.getString(messageID);

  public String getButtonYes() {
    return buttonYes;

  public void setButtonYes(String buttonYes) {
    this.buttonYes = buttonYes;

  public void setButtonYesByID(int buttonYesID) {
    buttonYes = activity.getString(buttonYesID);

  public String getButtonNo() {
    return buttonNo;

  public void setButtonNo(String buttonNo) {
    this.buttonNo = buttonNo;

  public void setButtonNoByID(int buttonNoID) {
    buttonNo = activity.getString(buttonNoID);

  public Collection<String> getTargetApplications() {
    return targetApplications;

  public void setTargetApplications(Collection<String> targetApplications) {
    this.targetApplications = targetApplications;

  public void setSingleTargetApplication(String targetApplication) {
    this.targetApplications = Collections.singleton(targetApplication);

   * Initiates a scan for all known barcode types.
  public AlertDialog initiateScan() {
    return initiateScan(ALL_CODE_TYPES);

   * Initiates a scan only for a certain set of barcode types, given as strings corresponding
   * to their names in ZXing's {@code BarcodeFormat} class like "UPC_A". You can supply constants
   * like {@link #PRODUCT_CODE_TYPES} for example.
  public AlertDialog initiateScan(Collection<String> desiredBarcodeFormats) {
    Intent intentScan = new Intent(BS_PACKAGE + ".SCAN");

    // check which types of codes to scan for
    if (desiredBarcodeFormats != null) {
      // set the desired barcode types
      StringBuilder joinedByComma = new StringBuilder();
      for (String format : desiredBarcodeFormats) {
        if (joinedByComma.length() > 0) {
      intentScan.putExtra("SCAN_FORMATS", joinedByComma.toString());

    String targetAppPackage = findTargetAppPackage(intentScan);
    if (targetAppPackage == null) {
      return showDownloadDialog();
    activity.startActivityForResult(intentScan, REQUEST_CODE);
    return null;

  private String findTargetAppPackage(Intent intent) {
    PackageManager pm = activity.getPackageManager();
    List<ResolveInfo> availableApps = pm.queryIntentActivities(intent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY);
    if (availableApps != null) {
      for (ResolveInfo availableApp : availableApps) {
        String packageName = availableApp.activityInfo.packageName;
        if (targetApplications.contains(packageName)) {
          return packageName;
    return null;

  private AlertDialog showDownloadDialog() {
    AlertDialog.Builder downloadDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity);
    downloadDialog.setPositiveButton(buttonYes, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
      public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {
        Uri uri = Uri.parse("market://details?id=" + BS_PACKAGE);
        Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);
        try {
        } catch (ActivityNotFoundException anfe) {
          // Hmm, market is not installed
          Log.w(TAG, "Android Market is not installed; cannot install Barcode Scanner");
    downloadDialog.setNegativeButton(buttonNo, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
      public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {}
    return downloadDialog.show();

   * <p>Call this from your {@link Activity}'s
   * {@link Activity#onActivityResult(int, int, Intent)} method.</p>
   * @return null if the event handled here was not related to this class, or
   *  else an {@link IntentResult} containing the result of the scan. If the user cancelled scanning,
   *  the fields will be null.
  public static IntentResult parseActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
    if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE) {
      if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
        String contents = intent.getStringExtra("SCAN_RESULT");
        String formatName = intent.getStringExtra("SCAN_RESULT_FORMAT");
        byte[] rawBytes = intent.getByteArrayExtra("SCAN_RESULT_BYTES");
        int intentOrientation = intent.getIntExtra("SCAN_RESULT_ORIENTATION", Integer.MIN_VALUE);
        Integer orientation = intentOrientation == Integer.MIN_VALUE ? null : intentOrientation;
        String errorCorrectionLevel = intent.getStringExtra("SCAN_RESULT_ERROR_CORRECTION_LEVEL");
        return new IntentResult(contents,
      return new IntentResult();
    return null;

   * Shares the given text by encoding it as a barcode, such that another user can
   * scan the text off the screen of the device.
   * @param text the text string to encode as a barcode
  public void shareText(CharSequence text) {
    Intent intent = new Intent();
    intent.setAction(BS_PACKAGE + ".ENCODE");
    intent.putExtra("ENCODE_TYPE", "TEXT_TYPE");
    intent.putExtra("ENCODE_DATA", text);
    String targetAppPackage = findTargetAppPackage(intent);
    if (targetAppPackage == null) {
    } else {

  private static Collection<String> list(String... values) {
    return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(Arrays.asList(values));


そして、選択したバーコードまたは QR コードの情報を保持するための IntentResult.java 。

/** * */

public final class IntentResult {

      private final String contents;
      private final String formatName;
      private final byte[] rawBytes;
      private final Integer orientation;
      private final String errorCorrectionLevel;

      IntentResult() {
        this(null, null, null, null, null);

      IntentResult(String contents,
                   String formatName,
                   byte[] rawBytes,
                   Integer orientation,
                   String errorCorrectionLevel) {
        this.contents = contents;
        this.formatName = formatName;
        this.rawBytes = rawBytes;
        this.orientation = orientation;
        this.errorCorrectionLevel = errorCorrectionLevel;

       * @return raw content of barcode
      public String getContents() {
        return contents;

       * @return name of format, like "QR_CODE", "UPC_A". See {@code BarcodeFormat} for more format names.
      public String getFormatName() {
        return formatName;

       * @return raw bytes of the barcode content, if applicable, or null otherwise
      public byte[] getRawBytes() {
        return rawBytes;

       * @return rotation of the image, in degrees, which resulted in a successful scan. May be null.
      public Integer getOrientation() {
        return orientation;

       * @return name of the error correction level used in the barcode, if applicable
      public String getErrorCorrectionLevel() {
        return errorCorrectionLevel;

      public String toString() {
        StringBuilder dialogText = new StringBuilder(100);
        dialogText.append("Format: ").append(formatName).append('\n');
        dialogText.append("Contents: ").append(contents).append('\n');
        int rawBytesLength = rawBytes == null ? 0 : rawBytes.length;
        dialogText.append("Raw bytes: (").append(rawBytesLength).append(" bytes)\n");
        dialogText.append("Orientation: ").append(orientation).append('\n');
        dialogText.append("EC level: ").append(errorCorrectionLevel).append('\n');
        return dialogText.toString();



  btnScanBarCode.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

                    public void onClick(View v) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                    IntentIntegrator integrator = new IntentIntegrator(BarCodeReaderActivity.this);


そして onActivityResult で

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        IntentResult scanResult = IntentIntegrator.parseActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
          if (scanResult != null) {

            // handle scan result
             contantsString =  scanResult.getContents()==null?"0":scanResult.getContents();
             if (contantsString.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) {
                 Toast.makeText(this, "Problem to get the  contant Number", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

             }else {
                 Toast.makeText(this, contantsString, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


              Toast.makeText(this, "Problem to secan the barcode.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
于 2012-05-28T10:56:06.807 に答える

同じ問題があります。ZXingライブラリをダウンロードして、プロジェクトに統合しました。統合は非常に難しく、ジャンクであり、プロジェクトをクリーンアップし、QRCode部分のみを使用するために多くの時間を費やしています。現在は機能していますが、一部のMotorolaデバイスのAtrixおよびDroidX(Android 2.3)には、CaptureActivityがカメラではなく白い画面を表示するという既知の問題があります。これはライブラリの問題ですが、ZXingの担当者は修正しません。この問題はHtcNexusOneにも存在するようです。これは投稿です:https ://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic / zxing/BofniyFVZaQ 。



于 2012-06-27T11:55:55.513 に答える