複数の値に対して (ループを使用して) 非同期関数を呼び出し、それらの結果を待つ必要があります。現在、次のコードを使用しています。
var when_done = function(r){ alert("Completed. Sum of lengths is: [" + r + "]"); }; // call when ready
var datain = ['google','facebook','youtube','twitter']; // the data to be parsed
var response = {pending:0, fordone:false, data:0}; // control object, "data" holds summed response lengths
response.cb = function(){
// if there are pending requests, or the loop isn't ready yet do nothing
if(response.pending||!response.fordone) return;
// otherwise alert.
return when_done.call(null,response.data);
for(var i=0; i<datain; i++)(function(i){
response.pending++; // increment pending requests count
$.ajax({url:'http://www.'+datain[i]+'.com', complete:function(r){
response.data+= (r.responseText.length);
response.pending--; // decrement pending requests count
response.cb(); // call the callback
response.fordone = true; // mark the loop as done
response.cb(); // call the callback